M e t a l l i c

17 2 0

A fist smashes against my cheek
right below my eye.
Nothing prepares me for the next blow
because I am caught between the pain that's circulating the area
and the strong metallic taste of blood
that is tempting my stomach to empty its contents.
My arms try to shield me
but my hopes are weaker than my body itself.
A laugh.
It points at me in shame and cruelly holds me down
as it works its way in slicing through my heart.
"Pathetic" is all that comes out of your mouth as you stare at the damage you caused.
a statement.
a truth.
I sigh softly, thinking that it is all over,
but it is not because your fist flies hard against my stomach
and for a moment I see stars as the force of the punch drives my head into the wall.
I see shiny dew drops,
tear shaped,
beside the moon
and I can't help but long to float away and join them too.
The pain erupts in my abdomen area and I fail to recover from the violence
being dished out to me.

My eyes close.

I breathe.

I see darkness

I am floating.

I see stars,

and they call out to me.


that comfort me.

"Join us" they say,

I can't help but agree.

Starry night skies (completed)Where stories live. Discover now