Chapter Five

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"Stop flinching! It doesn't hurt that bad!" Katelyn shouts at me.

"I sincerely beg to differ!" I shout back. Melissa just laughs at our banter.

"Just one more hair," Katelyn says. She pulls the tweezers away from me, "there, now your eyebrows don't look like two caterpillars."

Melissa clasps her hands together and giggles in enjoyment. "Thanks to my makeup skills and Katelyn's tweezers mastery, your makeup is complete."

I look up at the two girls and I secretly hope that my makeup doesn't look anything like theirs. Melissa has something that they called "A smoky eye", but in reality, it just looks like she piled a heap of black onto a heap of brown. Katelyn's lips are overdrawn which makes her lips look like two caterpillars on top of one another, and her cheeks have too much rouge on them. I specifically asked for something simple after I had seen what they did to each other.

They finally hand me a mirror. Please, don't let me look like a doll. Lift the mirror up to my face and am presently surprised. A single black line with a flip at the end line both of my eyes on the top, and what ever they put on my lashes made them look much darker and longer. They also put a darker color on my lips, and it doesn't look too bad. I also have to agree with Katelyn that my eyebrows look much better now than they did.

"Thanks guys! I like it!" I thank them.

"Good, because you totally look hot!" Melissa responds cheerfully. "Now, I added a few accessories to that dress that you tried on last time you were here. I set it out in the bathroom for you. Go put it on!"

I wander into the bathroom and see the dress hanging up on the towel rack with a black leather jacket, a pair of black, close-toed, strappy heels, and some other things. I start by undressing myself, and pulling the dress over my head, careful not to mess up the curls that Katelyn put in my hair. I pull the shoes onto my feet, and carefully test my balance. Having never worn heels, this height and wobbliness is foreign to me. I pull the jacket on and take a glance at myself in the mirror.

I'm surprised at how I look. The heels add an extra couple of inches, which makes my awkwardly slender frame look not as awkward. I actually look good. I quickly decide to forego the heels, choosing to be comfortable in my black sneakers instead.

I open the bathroom door and walk out. The girls are finishing up their own outfits, and I notice instantly that I'm a lot more covered up than the both of them. Melissa dawns a black skirt that has a hem that resides about two feet above her knees, and a black, cropped top that bares an extensive part of her midriff. Katelyn wears a pair of black shorts that stop shortly below her rear end and a corset type top that squeezes her waist and makes her breasts more prevalent. Both wear matching black heels that are a good six inches off of the floor.

"Oh my goodness, you guys both look." I start, "...I'm at a loss of words."

They both turn and glance at me. Katelyn's eyes go wide and Melissa whistles. "Holy crap, you look hot."

I can feel my face get red. Hot isn't what I'd use to describe it. I think I look like a harlot, except; I'm no competition for Melissa and Katelyn.

Melissa and Katelyn finish getting ready. I notice that Katelyn takes a big swig of the blue carbonated drink from earlier today. Melissa takes a big swig as well.

"I thought you guys said that you had put relaxer serum into all of our drinks" I ask, confused by why they'd drink if they knew that the drinks were spiked.

Katelyn is quick to respond to my question, "Yeah, we did. For what we have planned, its best to be loose, and not have any worry about what we're doing."

"What are we doing?"

Melissa looks at smiles, and me "We're going to a party!" Melissa walks over to me and hands me the blue drink. I look her square in the face. "Come on Lauren, don't be a stick in the mud!"

I suck in a deep breath, take the drink from Melissa, and take a tiny swig of it. Katelyn whoops.

"Alright, I'm game." I reply. Never in a million years would I want to go to a party. What am I getting myself into?

Melissa wobbles over to her room door, opens it and screams down to her parents. "Mom! Dad! We're going to bed! Good night!"

I hear them yell back, "Good night!" and "Sleep tight, sweetheart!"

Melissa shuts the door, and locks it. She walks over to the bed and starts shoving pillows underneath the covers, shaping them to look like bodies sleeping. Once, the task is done, Katelyn walks over and flicks the light off, and then guides me over to the balcony extending outside from her room. I follow them, and find that they start climbing down the vines growing up the side of the house. I follow them, careful to not fall. What the hell am I getting myself into?

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now