Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys, sorry the update took so long. A lot of stuff has happened over the last few months and I didn't get a chance to write at all. Now that college is slowing down (or I'm figuring out how to manage my time better), I should have more time to dedicate to my writing. I guarantee that this will be finished soon... and by soon, I'm hoping within the year. Anyways, enjoy!

I wake up with a slight nudge. I move away from the nudging, pulling the blanket up over my head, and wrapping myself up into the fetal position. "Five more minutes"

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you. I just needed to adjust my position."

"Ugh, what time is it?"

"Um. It it 6:15."

"Damn it." I push the covers off of my body and find Elliot looking at me with a grin plastered on his face.

"I didn't know you were such a potty-mouth, Miss Johnson."

"I'm not, Mr. Leeds, but only on occasion will a curse slip out of my mouth."

"Mhm." With that, Elliot pulls me closer to him, pulling my petite body against his. He plants a firm kiss on my mouth, and immediately, I melt under his touch, melding my body against his. I kiss him back playfully, as he had done to me before, and nip at his lips and his jaw. He lets out a soft moan, almost inaudible, but it sparks something in me that drives me a little wild.

"Lauren-" He tries to speak in between kisses.

"Shh..." I whisper back. I press my kisses into his neck and along the edges of his mouth, as if to tease him. Lauren, what are you doing? Last night, you weren't sure you were ready to give yourself to him. Now look what you're doing. What are you doing, girl?

Just as Elliot is unbuttoning the last of my pajama shirt buttons, I grip his hand and pull away.

"Sorry Elliot, I'm not going to start something I can't finish, at least not now. I have to go to my job." I push myself away from him and force myself to get up off of the bed, and I make my way over to the bathroom.

I quickly shut the bathroom door behind me, and press my back up against the door. "Not today, Lauren, maybe tomorrow. Maybe you'll be ready for sex tomorrow."

I push myself away from the door and quickly strip my clothes off and toss them on the floor. I'm in and out of the shower in almost a blink of an eye, the fastest I've taken a shower in the longest time. The hot water feels good against my skin, like its washing away some of the indecent thoughts that have been floating through my mind through out the late. Sex is a natural occurrence, Lauren. When a man and a woman love each other, they have sex. Its that simple. But then why does it feel like it should be so taboo?

I wrap a fluffy towel around myself and wipe the water droplets away. I force myself to leave the safety of the bathroom and return to the main area where I know Elliot and his eyes are awaiting my arrival. I'm sure there is nothing Elliot would appreciate more than this fluffy towel to wind up on the floor. I walk back over to the bed and find Elliot watching me with very intense, flirtatious eyes.

"Miss Johnson, you appear to be glowing. Did you have a revelation in the bathroom?"

I sit myself on the bed, right next to his body, and pull my face down next to his. I whisper my response. "Yes."

"And? What did you realize, Miss Johnson?"

"Its a secret, so I'm sorry, Mr. Leeds, but I just can't tell you."

"You're being very mysterious, Miss Johnson. Its very becoming." Elliot replies with a devious grin plastered on his face. He wraps his hand around my neck and entwines his fingers in my hair. I respond with a sly smile of my own, and deliver a swift peck on his lips.

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