Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: I had a hard time writing this chapter. I know their relationship needed to progress on the physical level (no, they do not have sex, but there is some mature content below), but it's hard for me to be all romantic when my boyfriend is over 1,000 miles away from me for the summer and I don't even have the opportunity to hear his voice. It just makes me sad, that's all. With that being said, enjoy.

My heart skips a beat as I make my way over to Elliot, whose seated comfortably on my bed with the panda teddy in his lap. He holds the stuffed creator out to me and I grasp it and pull it close to me chest. I plop myself down next to him and lay down with my legs dangling off the bed. This bed is so comfortable. He lays down next to me, and we stare at the ceiling for several silent moments.

"How was your birthday yesterday, Lauren?" He asks me. I feel his body shift on the bed, and I turn my head to see him watching me. I turn my body to match his gaze.

"It was alright. My father barely spoke to me, and my mom made me a cake." I respond.

"Was it a good cake?" He asks with a smile. Not missing a beat, he reaches out to me and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I nod in response to his question. "Did you get any gifts?"

I pause momentarily. Do I tell him about the gift from Melissa and Katelyn? Without any more thought. I respond. "Yes, I got a gift from two of my friends from school."

"Oh really? What did they get you?"

My breath hitches. "Do you want to see it, Elliot?"

He nods. "Sure."

I push myself up off of the bed. Don't hit yourself in the face. Be sexy. Do NOT embarrass yourself. I turn back toward him and find him perched up on his elbows watching me. I smile when I see him and he returns the smile.

"Well, Sassy-Pants?" I quickly suck in a breath when he says this, I grip the hem of my black dress and in one fluid motion, I pull the dress up over my head. Once I get the dress off without any problems, I toss the dress on the floor and chance a look up at him. He rubs his jaw where his beard stubble resides and exhales a breath. I watch as his eyes look up and down my body, and finally, they return to my eyes.

"Sassy-Pants," he laughs and rakes his hand through his hair sitting up entirely, "You've got some interesting friends."

He grabs each side of my waist and pulls me toward him. He begins kissing the bottom of my stomach and makes his way up my body. He pauses just above the fabric of my bra, and nips at it with his teeth, and then continues kissing the top of my breasts and my neck. He pauses as he's only inches away from my mouth. His grip tightens around my waist and he swings me around, pushing me onto the bed. I slide back a little so my legs are no longer dangling over the bed and Elliot stands at the end of the bed, watching me.

"You're so damn beautiful, Lauren." He says biting his bottom lip. He grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it over his head, tossing it on the floor alongside my dress. He gets on the bed and begins crawling over to me and before I know it, he's on top of me with his knees on either side of me and he has my arms pinned up above me, keeping me trapped almost like a prisoner. He plants kisses on my neck and I let out an audible gasp when he first plants a kiss on me. It's like he knows my neck is my weakness. Like he knows where he's going to get the most reaction out of me. Maybe he's done this a couple times? Of course he's done this a couple times! Have you seen his face Lauren? His looks are almost celestial, so how could he refuse the many girls who'd throw themselves at him? Lauren, what the heck. Stop thinking like this! He's with you! He's with you for a reason!

Elliot lets out a noise that almost resembles a growl from the back of his throat.

"Are you okay, Elliot?"

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