Chapter Twenty-Six

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I feel a prodding in my arm, and I refuse to get up or even open my eyes. The prodding continues and I shift, turning away from the annoying prodding.

"Oh thank goodness, she's alive." One familiar voice says.

"Did you think she wouldn't be? She's small but she can obviously hold her liquor quite well. Especially because she downed this whole bottle of wine." Another familiar voice says.

"Do you know why she's here? Something must have made her come back to work on the mural."

"I have no idea. I have a feeling that it might have something to do with her soulmate though. The male character in this mural has a likeness of him."

"You've met him?"

"Yeah. He's kind of an asshole, and it seems to me that he also treats her poorly, but I really don't think I can fairly criticize him. I only met him the one time and I was a little bit drunk, so it wasn't the best of first impressions."

"Well thats a shame. She really deserves much better."

I open my mouth and quickly mumbles of a few words.

"Ah, she speaks. What was that darling?"

I roll over to face to voices and quint my eyes open momentarily. I see Cal and Andrew Sutton standing there. I open my mouth again to speak, and although my voice is raspy, my words are a little bit clearer. "He's my soulmate Cal, so shut your fucking mouth."

Andrew shakes his head and smiles. "I think someone is still a little drunk."

Cal turns to Andrew. "Should I take her home?"

"Oh, would you? I think I'd prefer it if you did so I know that she'll make it home alright. That would give me piece of mind."

"Yeah, I can do that. Cal swoops down, and picks me up, carrying me with one arm under my back and one arm in the crook of my legs."

I shut my eyes as the overhead lights being to make my head pound. "C-Cal, put me down. I c-can walk on my own just fine."

"I sincerely doubt that." The grip on my tightens, and even though I know I shouldn't let him carry me, I lean my head against his chest and shut my eyes again. I listen to his heart beat and sway along with each step he takes. Everything is so calm, and I welcome the sleep that beckoned to me the night previously.

I awake with a slight shake. I quickly open my eyes and find Cal looking down at me, me still in his arms.

"We're here Lauren."

"Oh, okay."

"Just stick your arm out so I can unlock the apartment. I can do the rest." I nod follow his instructions, sticking my arm our. I hear the lock click, signaling the door unlocked. Once again , I hear Cal's feel click against the floor.

An extremely familiar voice cuts through the air. "Oh shit, what the fuck are you doing with her?"

I keep my eyes shut, but I can immediately tell who is in my apartment. "Woah man, she was passed out at work. I'm assuming you guys had a fight or something because she was and probably still is completely wasted."

"That doesn't explain why the fuck you're here!"

"Elliot, calm down man. I was the only one at work who could carry her and plus, I already knew where she lived. It fine, I'm just dropping her off." I hear footsteps approach my direction, and before I am shifted from one set of arms to an even more muscular and strong set of arms, Cal whispers into my ear: "Your mural was beautiful, Lauren."

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now