Chapter Nineteen

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"Okay, you remember the plans, Lauren darling?"

"Yes," I respond quietly. This is a different Elliot than I've seen. Well, obviously he's the same looks wise except for his suit which makes him look even more attractive, if thats possible. Usually he's sweet and comforting and thoughtful, but now, its like he almost cold and calculating, and dare I say, detached.

"Recite them for me, darling," he whispers into my ear.

"Okay, I walk in and look around. I pick a seat at the bar two seats away from the tall man in the gray suit-"


"And I glance at him twice, holding the second glance longer. I have to make sure that before I turn away, he catches me looking at him."

"Then what?"

"Then I say yes when he offers to buy me a drink. Elliot, what happens if he doesn't offer to buy me a drink?"

"Lauren, you look absolutely ravishing. He'd be stupid to not offer, but if he doesn't, you'll have to get one yourself. But remember, don't drink it. You need your mind to be unclouded."

"Okay. And after that, I ask him if he'd like to go somewhere quiet, which he should accept."

"He will, I can guarantee that one."

"Then, I will bring him up the stairs behind the bar and bring him to the last door on the left. You and your guys will jump him and question him, and then you'll bring me back home where you will give me a kiss goodnight."

"You're exactly right. You're going to do amazing, I have full trust in you." He leans in and gives me a soft kiss on my lips. "Go get 'em, Sassy-Pants." He gives me a light smack on my butt and I makes me jump.

I force myself to walk out of the alley with slow measured steps. The black, 6-inch, lace up heels make my walking look a little unnatural, and the maroon dress clings to my body at every curve and reveals more than the black dress I was given with the hem cut almost two feet above the knee and the neckline plunging far beyond my comfort level. The only thing holding this damn dress up is the bow at the back of my neck from the neck straps. Elliot was right, this dress makes me look trampy.

I pull the hem down a little bit and suck in a breath before I open the door to the bar. Elliot must have used the term 'bar' loosely, because although a bar lines the left wall, a majority of the space in the back is taken up by dancing bodies, bumping and grinding together along with the music.

Okay, look around and take a seat two chairs away from the guy in the gray suit. I follow Elliot's instructions exactly. I look around for a moment, seeing a lot of young men around my age, most watching me. I turn and look at the bar spotting a man fitting Elliot's description. I walk over to the specified seat, doing my best not to fall on my face. I reach the seat, sliding in while doing my best not to show the whole bar my underwear. I finally get myself situated and by the time I look up at the bar, I can feel several sets of eyes on me.

I turn to my left, hoping that the man fitting the description belonging to one of those sets of eyes. Fate must be feeling grateful today because the man in the gray suit is watching me. I offer a smirk to him and then turn face front and smiling at myself. Elliot must have planned this out well. I count to three before I glance at him again. This time his head is cocked and his brown eyes are intently fixed on me. I cock my head in accordance with his and offer a giggle before turning face front again. Just like Elliot planned, Gray Suit pushes out of his chair and takes his new place in the seat next to me.

"Hi, my name is Jamie. I'd like to buy you a drink." He says with a smile.

I look at him. Are men really this obvious to figure out? "Hi Jamie. I'd like that."

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