Chapter Twenty-One

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"And how was your first day, Lauren?" Cal asks casually while standing beside me in the elevator.

I look up at him, and he looks visibly worn. Unlike myself, Cal got one of the more rigorous jobs of running back and forth to each of the soulmate machines and plugging in each of the new pregnancies, beginning a file for each fetus. After my first job of choosing a soulmate for that poor girl, Andrew left me to my own accords, allowing me to familiarize myself with the programs and the software that the soulmate division uses. After the 45 minute lunch break where Cal and I went to the small cafe across the street from the grandiose chip building, I started making plans for the mural that I'd be painting on the wall. I decided to do a silhouette of a couple holding hands out amongst the stars with each of the individuals having 00:00:00 displayed on their left wrists where their chips would be located. Andrew was absolutely thrilled with the idea, which left a giddy feeling in my stomach for the remaining hours of my shift.

"It wasn't actually too bad, a lot better than I actually expected. And yours?"

"Oh you know, beyond physically and emotionally exhausting myself, it wasn't too bad."

"I'm glad it wasn't terrible for you."

"Yeah, say Lauren, do you want to go get something to drink? Its been a long day, and I think I'll need a buzz to get me through until tomorrow."

"Oh uh- I'm not really much of a drinker, plus we have to be at work tomorrow in the morning, and I'm really not much of a morning person so-"

"-So," Cal begins with a smirk, "It sounds like you're just making a bunch of excuses. C'mon, its just one drink. I promise not to get you drunk and take advantage of you. Just one drink and then I'll bring you home untouched. Okay?"

"Um... Alright Cal, I'll go get one drink with you. Just ONE, like you said."

Much to my surprise, Cal actually kept his word. He brought me to a bar not too far away from my apartment, ordered himself a beer and me a small glass of red wine, and after we had both finished our drinks and completed a riveting conversation on the purpose of the soulmate clocks, he brought me back to my apartment door completely untouched.

"Thanks for coming with me to get a drink, Lauren. I appreciate it."

"Well, it was my pleasure Cal. I'm glad that you asked me, I had fun with you. I'm also glad that you kept your promise."

"Well, Lauren, I'm a man of my word. I wouldn't lie to you."

I offer him a smile and place my hand on his upper arm. As soon as I'm about to wish him a good night, he leans in and presses his mouth to my mouth. A sense of flutters takes over my stomach, although not as severe as the flutters I get around Elliot. Cal pulls away from me.

"Good night Lauren, I'll see you tomorrow." With that, Cal walks back towards the elevator and in a flash, his figure disappears from my sight. Oh man. What the heck was that? Was that the alcohol talking?

I bring my left wrist up to the door sensor and the door swings open. I walk in and let the door click behind me. I can hear my heels click on the floor as I make my way over to the kitchen to start something for dinner, and immediately stop in my tracks as I see two place settings set up across from each other on the kitchen island being illuminated by a tall candle.

"You know, I was hoping to surprise you, but you really surprised me, Lauren."

I quickly turn around on my heel and find Elliot standing only a couple feet away from me holding a bouquet of peonies in his hands.

"What do you m-mean, Elliot?"

"Don't play coy Lauren. Who was that guy? Is that your soulmate? I mean, I knew that the day would come that you found your soulmate, but I really was hoping that it wouldn't be anytime soon." Does he really not know? Does he really not know that he's my soulmate?

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now