Chapter Nine

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I wake up the next morning, filled with excitement from past events. I excitedly push myself out of bed, and make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. The only thing that I can think about is Elliot and when I'll get to see him next. I take a quick shower and afterward, change into Elliot's jeans from yesterday and a long sleeved, black shirt. I am sure to neatly fold Melissa's jacket and Elliot's shirt and tuck them underneath my mattress.

I take a look at myself in the mirror. My reddish-blonde hair is a frizzy mess, my slender figure looks awkward in these jeans, I have a slight bruise from when I was attacked, and my eyes look as if I've seen the worst, but boy, I feel amazing despite all of that.

I quietly make my way down the stairs and see my mother and my father sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and enjoying one another's company.

"Daddy?" I whisper. He turns to look at me, and a smile comes across his face. His skin has returned to a normal color and his eyes no longer look like death.

"Lauren, baby." He responds.

I run over to him as he stands up and I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Daddy." I can feel myself tearing up, but I don't care. I'm so happy he's alive and back home to stay. I hug him tighter until he pulls away from me. "Daddy, you look so much better."

"I feel better. Those doctor's really did a number on me." He returns to his seat, and I take my usual seat beside him.

My mom begins talking. "Lauren, honey, I thought you were staying at Melissa's until today? Why are you home so early?"

Oh shit. I didn't plan for this. Make something up, Lauren. "Uh, I wasn't feeling very good late last night, and I didn't want to be a burden on the Harpers, so I decided to come back home."

"No one saw you, right? You're not supposed to break curfew." My mom adds.

"No, mom, nobody saw me. I was careful."

My mom smiles and sets a plate with a pancake in front of me. My thoughts return to Elliot. He'd laugh if he saw what I'm eating now. It's a pittance compared to how much I ate yesterday. I gobble the pancake down, and sit quietly at the table while my mother and father finish up their pancake.

"Sweetheart, your mother and I have to go back to the hospital. Will you be okay here on your own?"

I nod. "Yup, I'll be fine." I stand up, bring my plate to the sink, and make my way back up the stairs. When I get up to my room, I notice that my windows are open now. I walk over to them and peak out.

A little black and white bear sits on my windowsill with a ribbon around its neck and a white envelop attached. I pull the bear and the envelop inside my room, and move to sit on my bed. I tear open the envelope, which carries a letter inside. It's addressed to me. It reads:


It was really fantastic to meet you, and I hope you feel the same way. Once again, I'd like to apologize for my outburst early this morning. It was very unlike me, and I do not wish for it to happen again. It also seems that you had forgotten the panda bear you'd found, so here it is, and I am returning it to you. I'd really like to hear the names that you cam up for it, because after all names are important. I hope to see you again soon. If you wish to write back to me (which I hope you do), you can leave the note where you found this one. I've found a way to get notes back and forth, so you're welcome to write to me. I hope to see you again, Miss Sassy Pants.

- Elliot

Oh my goodness. My heart is beating fast, and I clutch the letter to my chest. It was fantastic to meet me? You hope you can see me again soon? Oh my goodness. I pull my sketchpad out from under my mattress and rip out one of the empty pages. I pluck a pencil off of my bedside table and begin writing back.

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now