Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Don't worry Lauren, everyone will love you, and you'll be just fine. I promise."

"You said it will just be the advisors and a couple of the additional leaders, right?" I respond quickly. I wring my hands together and occasionally rub my hands on my dress as we walk through the desolate streets of the clone sector.

"There might be a couple more people, I'm not entirely sure. You'll be fine." I nod and continue walking alongside Elliot as he leads me with a light hand on my lower back, forcing me forward.

Earlier, after I agreed to help Elliot and his cause, he told me to get ready because we were leaving immediately following nightfall. He had picked me out an outfit while I took a shower, and I returned to find that the 'outfit' that he picked out consisted of a slinky, sultry black dress and a pair of tall heels. The outfit reminded me of something Melissa and Kaitlyn would've picked out for me, and I shot him a dirty look. He responds with a sly grin, and after I've changed and the sun has set, we take off to the secret meeting place for the alliance.

"Alright darling, this is where we pause." Elliot says, halting me by gripping my waist and moving in front of me, blocking my view.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

He loosens the tie around his neck and pulls it off, walking to the space behind me. He brings the tie up to my face, covering my eyes, and ties it behind my head. "What the heck, Elliot? Is this really necessary?"

"Lauren, you signed up for this."

"I know, but is the blind fold necessary?"

"Yeah. Everyone coming to the meeting is very concerned with their security, because some of them are in a more prestigious position with some authority. This is just precautionary, but don't take off the blind fold until I tell you or take it off for you okay? Can you see?"

"No, I can't see, Elliot."

"Alright good."

Elliot presses a hand against my lower back, pushing me forward. I trip a couple times on my heels but manage to remain upright.

"A set a stairs that leads down up ahead."

"That doesn't seem safe." I cautiously stick my foot out and try to find the step. I feel Elliot's hands on me as he picks me up with an arm under my knees and an arm supporting my torso. "Oh!"

"Sorry babe." Elliot carries me down the stairs carefully, setting me down carefully. I stick my arms out and feel my way around until I feel Elliot's hand pressed against my back, guiding me forward. "It will only be a little bit farther, I promise, my love."

The cool, dank air of wherever the heck we are begins setting in, and I can't help but continue to shiver as I continue my long trek into the unknown. Even though I had been doing so well, I end up tripping on a rut in the ground in addition to my wobbly shoes, and I fall down, landing on my knees. A shooting pain runs up into my legs, and I force myself back up on my feet. I reach down to my knees, and I feel wetness.

"Am I bleeding?"


"Well shit. I blame you."

"Come on. I'll patch you up when we get there."

"Elliot, I can't walk that fast."

"We're almost there, come on."

Elliot pushes me forward and I force myself to quicken my pace, even though I my gait in uneasy and unsteady. Elliot tugs on my hips, and I stop walking.

"You need to duck down, probably best to get on your hands and knees. We need to crawl forward about 6 feet."

"Elliot, my knees are bleeding."

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now