Chapter Twenty-Three

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I power-housed this thing. Man, it feels good to write again! - EJ

The whole rest of the day was a blur, primarily spent sketching out the mural in one of my sketchpads over and over again until Andrew finally approved the 9th drawing. On top of that, Cal pestered me the rest of the time, playfully pointing jokes at me, although something in my gut kept telling me that there was a hidden meaning behind each of the good-natured jabs. At lunch, Cal and I returned to the cafe across the street from the Chip Building, where I spent my lunch hour listening to Cal recant stories of his life from the all male's sector while sketching out my plans for the peony tattoo I planned on receiving tonight. By the time work was finally over for the day, I was mentally drained and could really go for a glass of wine like I had had the night before. Cal, being the gentleman he so desperately tried to portray toward me, told me he'd walk me home with no questions asked.

"Cal, you really don't have to walk me home, I'm capable of making it back to my apartment all by myself, you know."

"Oh Lauren, I know. But I also know that you're an attractive girl, and we don't want any guy getting the idea that they can take advantage of you. Right?"

Maddox. That guy in the apartment above the bar. Cal last night with that kiss. I really don't believe that each of those guys really found me that attractive.

"Alright Cal, you've won me over with your words. You can walk me back."

And with that, we took off back toward my apartment. The walk was rather nice, with Cal occasionally peppering me with questions about my art and what I enjoyed drawing. And by the time I told him my art story, we had arrived in front of my door.

"Thank you for walking me back to my apartment Cal. I really appreciate it." I say with a smile. I swipe my chip against the door sensor, and the lock clicks. I press open the door handle and find Cal staring at me.

He mocks pain. "What, aren't you going to invite me in for a drink?"

"Umm..." I quickly turn my head and do a quick scan of the room. Elliot is nowhere to be seen. That's strange. "Yeah, I guess you can come in."

I take a step into the apartment and hold the door open for him. He follows me in and I shut the door behind us.

"You know, even though you do the least amount of work out of anybody in the soulmate division, I'm pretty sure you got the biggest and most grand apartment."

"Wow Cal, thanks for making me feel so good about the work I'm doing for our great city." I smile at him smugly. He shakes his head and playfully hits me in the arm.

"Sorry, Lauren, I call them like I see them."

I put my bag on the couch and make my way to the kitchen with Cal several steps behind me. He makes himself comfortable on a barstool as I maneuver my way around the kitchen. I grab two wine glasses from the cabinet and place them on the table, one on either side of the island. I grab a bottle of red wine from the wine rack on the counter next to the window, bringing it over and setting it between the two glasses.

"I hate to be a bad guest and intrude so much, but do you have any food? I am famished."

I nod and walk over to the refrigerator, surveying it's contents. I spy the beef stew that Elliot had made. I peek my head out of the fridge and peer at Cal. "Are leftovers alright?" He nods his head 'yes'.

I pull the covered bowl of beef stew out of the refrigerator and empty its contents into two bowls. I place both bowls into the microwave and heat them up, and by the time I set the bowl in front of Cal, his mouth is practically watering. I give him a spoon and he begins to chow down. Gosh, is this what I look like to Elliot? Like a person who hasn't eaten in years? I pour Cal and myself a tall glass full of wine and bring it up to my lips, drinking in it's sweet liquid.

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