Chapter Eight

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When dusk approaches, Elliot leads me out of his apartment and back out onto the streets. We're cautious to stay hidden because I don't want a repeat of what happened yesterday. He leads me through an old apartment building with flipped furniture and burn marks from what looks like a fire. I pause as we begin to pass by a room. For some reason, I'm drawn to it, so I enter, looking around. Elliot follows me quietly.

I make my way around the room, and stop when I feel something under my right foot. I bend over and pick up the toy and dust it off. It looks like nothing I've ever seen before. I hold the black and white thing out toward Elliot. "What is this?"

He chuckles a little bit, "You don't know what this is? It's a toy."

I give him a shove. "Of course I know it's a toy, but what is it?"

He hands it back to me and I give it a once over. "It's a bear," he explains, "More specifically a panda bear. Pandas lived hundred of thousands of miles away from here in a place called China."

"Oh, I know what China is, we learned about them in preparatory school. That's where America's slaves and laborers lived. Right?" I reply.

Elliot shakes his head, "No, that's not even close. What do they teach you in that preparatory school of yours?"

"Well, maybe you need to give me a history lesson, because obviously, I don't know much." I counter.

"I'd be happy to, because obviously, they're feeding you lies!" He yells. He sounds furious for some reason, so I don't press on. I walk over to the table in the corner, and set the panda bear in the center of it. I walk over to the bed and sit down on top of it. I chance a look back up at Elliot and he's rubbing his temples with his index fingers. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. It just makes me upset that know one knows the truth, because they don't want you to."

"No, its fine, I shouldn't have provoked you," I pause for a moment to collect my thoughts, "Elliot, who is this they you were talking about?"

I can see him physically tense up, and he looks away from me back toward the door. "Nobody now lets keep moving."

I don't say anything, and I don't object. I quietly get off of the bed and follow him out of the building and down the road toward the Westchester Sector, toward home. Elliot and I find our way to the river's stepping-stones that I crossed just a day earlier. The stones are slick with water, so I try to be careful not to fall in. About halfway across, I feel myself slipping and falling, but Elliot grabs my hand just in time, leading me safely across.

"It seems, Elliot, that you've done this a time or two." I whisper quietly.

He looks back at me, and smiles. "You could say that." He continues guiding me through the woods. This is so much easier to navigate with Elliot than with Melissa and Katelyn. We finally make it out of the woods and stop to rest by the tree. I notice that Elliot hasn't let go of my hand yet, and I try not to put too much stock into it. His hand is so warm and strong. Don't let go, Elliot. He turns to me. "Do you know where you're going now or do you want me to walk you home?"

Walk me home! "Uh, well, whatever you'd like to do I guess." Elliot, walk me home and do not let go of my hand.

"Honestly, I'd feel a lot safer if I could walk you home. I know that there aren't any guys in this sector who'd attack you, but it's the principle of the thing."

Yes, thank you. I just nod.

Elliot and I continue keeping to the shadows, crouching when Elliot deems fit. I lead him back to my house, and I guide him to the back where a trellis leads up to my window.

"This is my stop." I whisper. "Thanks for everything, Elliot. I appreciate it."

He nods. "You're most certainly welcome. Will I see you again, Lauren?"

Oh my goodness. Breathe. I nod. "Sure, if we can."

A smile creeps across Elliot's face. "I'll make sure of it." I pull my hand out of his and begin climbing.

I stop part way up and look down at him. "Good night, Elliot."

"Goodnight, Lauren."

I finish making my way up and crawl into my room, careful to make as least amount of noise as possible. I sit on my bed, pulling of the clothes I had worn that day and pulling on my pajamas.

Oh my goodness. That was so bad on so many levels. He's a clone. He's supposedly untouchable. It is illegal to interact or talk to boys before graduation. I could get in so much trouble. But oh man, it felt so right.

I pull the covers over my body and rest my head on my pillow, waiting for sleep to come to me.

But oh man, it felt so right.

The Falling of Lauren JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now