Chapter 10

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Today, you could hear screams of excitement, echoing down the hall. Ah, today was the Prom asking day. There were yes' and no's to boys, and usually a hug or a click of a heel. I am so thankful that I was asked before this, so no trouble or attention comes to me. As soon as I thought that, I saw Jack, holding a bouquet of roses, smiling. I heard my phone go off and saw a text from Jack.

Jack: will you go to Prom with me?

I jumped up and down, and held my phone close to my chest. Soon, the "flower-delivery guy", more commonly known as Fred the Freshman gave me another bouquet of roses.

The day went by like a breeze, a normal lovely breeze. Jake and I went out to see the new Romeo and Juliet movie, which has probably been made 300 times or more. It was sweet, though. Afterwards, we went to a bakery called Panera, which has really really good macaroni. The best part was after dinner, Jack walked me over to the middle of the city, and pointed straight up at the sky. I noticed a giant bright star, not big enough to be a planet though.

I turned around and saw Jake had put down a blanket, for us to look at the star. I laid down next to Jake and started to ask a question.

"You named a star after me?!" I asked, breaking out in a grin.

"Yes, and that little one next to it," he pointed at the little light next to my star, " is Jake Corbin. So when you look into the sky, we will always be together." I smiled even larger and put my hands up in the shape of a heart. Then Jake and I kissed.

Mom: you have to come and watch Lillian. Xox.

I hopped in my car and kissed Jake goodbye. Before I stopped at my house, I stopped at Emily's house, to see if she was up yet. The doctors let her go home, and she was stirring. She wasn't awake, though.

I stepped a foot in my house, when I heard Lillian crying. I ran upstairs with her binkie and a spare diaper. I saw her, standing up, holding onto her railing of her crib, trying to reach for her baby doll. I wiped my forehead. I picked up the doll and Lillian, and just for a second, held her in my arms. She is the sweetest ever. I put her back in her crib, just watching her drift into sleep.

After letting Lillian go to sleep, I decided to snooze myself, and I leaped into my bed to shut my eyes.

The next day (today) was ...? What was today again? Oh yeah, Prom. My dress is purple, strapless and knee length. I got my makeup and hair done professionally, due to the fact that if I did it, I would look like a zombie. But guess who gets to go with me? EMILY. She finally woke up, and due to the fact that we chose our dresses at the beginning of the year and a guy (Marcus Cluby) asked her to the Prom, she gets to go. Now let's start a night to remember.

We walked in, and the theme this year was Midnight in Paris. The wallpaper had a little French cafe and a miniature Eiffel Tower, with gorgeous white lights and flowers, floating in water. There was a chocolate fondue fountain, with about 20 different flavors of ice cream being catered. I walked slightly over to the punch bowl and noticed that Ms. Vlaydon was hosting it, yelling at kids for taking too much. One kid was crying. I decided not to go over there. I saw Emily and Marcus, laughing and drinking sodas.

Everyone filed into the Theatre: parents, actors, actresses, teachers, etc. The only person I didn't see was Principal Vlaydon. I was in my costume, a pretty lady with hair curled. I saw Jack, a boy who looked like he just jumped out of a fairy tale. I was lost in a dream, when I heard a screech of the microphone.

"Sorry. Hello. I am here to welcome you to 47th annual Theatre production. Please welcome up Alex Conley and Jack Corbin." Teacher said, giving us the stage.

Here we go.

The scene was set. I was brushing my hair in the mirror, when I heard the loud noise of an intruder siren, going off. I rushed into a little hole and shut the door, changing costume into my ninja. Then I rushed out of the hole, fighting the intruder and getting rushed out by another ninja (Jack). He pulled off his mask and kissed me, then placed it back on when we ran down the stairs.

The play went on smoothly and so did all the others. Suddenly Teacher cued Janice to start the singing part, and we broke out into song.

"Thank you for your time." One of the other girls said. We all filed out of the theatre and went home. It was an exhausting day.

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