Chapter 4: Why go one way when there's another -Alberto Eyestain

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"Pattsuan where's everyone?" Gintoki asked the glasses wearing human (Shinpachi: Oi!) I mean human wearing glasses who was watching Otsu on the television.

"They went shopping Gin-san. Did you buy toilet papers?" Shinpachi said while still watching.

"Yeah unlike that brat, toilet papers are very essential to me." Gintoki said while remembering that time when he used his cash to wipe his butt because of the lack of toilet paper. "Did I just hear shopping?"


"Whose money?"

"Probably Aneue's and Sakura-chan's."

"Oh." Gintoki replied and proceeded on picking his nose. "They better got me strawberry milk."

At the same time the opening of the sliding door was heard.

"Shin-chan! We're back!" Otae said as the trio walked inside.

"Welcome back Anueue." Shinpachi greeted his sister cheerfully.

"What did you bought?" Gintoki asked hoping to find his favorite drink.

"Necessary things for tomorrow. We bought snacks, clothes, toiletries, and so on..." Otae said as the three of them sat down on the sofa.

"And a packs of sukonbus!" Kagura shouted.

"And knives." Sakura said.

"and here for you." Otae handed Gintoki a plastic with a handful of Strawberry Milk.

"Is the world ending or am I dreaming?" Gintoki eyed the package.

Otae gave him the accept-it-or-you-know-what-will-happen look.

"Hai." Gintoki quickly obeyed having no interest to not accept his favorite drink for free anyway.

"Anyway, what in the world would you need a knife for?" Gintoki asked half wanting to change the subject.

"For cutting idiots. duh." Gintoki chocked a bit.

"So Sakura-chan where are you going to sleep for the night?" Otae asked.

"On the streets, again." Sakura said.

"Sleep in our house then!" Otae cheerfully said.

"Thank you so much Otae-chan, Gintoki you should learn more from your wife." Sakura said in a motherly tone.

"Oi, I told you she's not-" Gintoki was cut off.

"It's 7 in the evening right now. We should probably go home now. We will have a long day tomorrow." Otae said and was ready to leave.

"Hold on right there Otae. Who said you're coming with us?" Gintoki said as he stood up from the couch while putting down his strawberry milk to look at the said woman.

"Me, why?" Otae answered innocently.

"You're not allowed to." Gintoki said.

"Who say's so? Gin-san, I want to go with you whether you like it or not."

"I can't let you. It's dangerous." Eyeing her seriously.

"I'm sure I'l be fine, besides, you'll always be there to protect us, right Gin-san?"

If your a perceptive person like Sakura and Megane you would've noticed a something wavered in Gintoki's eyes.

"Fine." He finally said after a few moments of staring.

"Okay then Gin-san." Otae smiled at him. "Shin-chan let's go."

"Yes Aneue. Bye Gin-san, Kagura-chan, Sadaharu!"

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