Chapter 4

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Ali's POV
Sitting at lunch wishing school could just be over already, I couldn't stand the sight of Is making flirty eyes at what's her face and not paying me any mind at all, all she can talk about is this new girl. I got up from our table and told her I was going to class and I will see her in there whenever she is finish drooling.

I walked off and went to English it was our last class for the day and it was my favorite subject, so i sat in a seat not too far at the back but not too close to the front either. I saved a seat for Is beside me, we normally sit together in every class that we have ever since we became bff's.

Waiting for class to begin, still no sign of Is as yet, the bell rang signaling the teacher to close the door and start class. To my astonishment here comes Iz running through the door, looking disorientated and out of breath, but when I looked a little closer she wasn't alone she had the Arizona girl with her as well, a look of disdain crossed my face as I looked at them with fury written all over my face. Iz sat down beside me asking what she missed and I said nothing, she spent most of English class flirting with what's her face, and not paying me any attention, yet again. A sharp pain was felt in my heart and I was filled with the green eye monster and I just wanted to get away. Knowing that Iz was my ride home, I stormed out of class immediately and went by her car and waited for her to finish eye fucking her new flirt even though I know she did her after lunch which caused her to be late for class.

After waiting for a few minutes, I decided to shoot Iz a text and tell her I will be taking the bus home. After a min our so I got a text: "no I'm coming", instead of waiting I took the bus home and went straight upstairs not wanting to hear from anybody, I closed my room door and started to play some music and did my homework.



I can't believe that Ali left even though I told her I was coming. Sigh now she is mad at me and I'm not sure why, I tried calling and texting, but no answer so I decided to go over her house as I always do after school. I climbed out of my car and walked up to her door and knock,  her little sister Vicky opened the door and let me in. Vicky gave me a hug and then said "yes now, you're in trouble, Ali came home all upset what did you do?" I cracked a half smile and told her that I did nothing apart from having her wait long for me after school. She then ran off and went back to play with her dolls and I walked upstairs to Ali's room and knocked at her door. I played it cool and waited until she answered the door and flashed the smiled that she liked, but that didn't work.

When she opened the door she told me to leave and that she will call me later and slammed the door in my face, I felt my heart crumble, my smiled turned into a frown and I felt a tear escape my eye. I walked briskly out the door and sat in my car for awhile then drove off to my lonely house were it would be just me. My mom had passed away 2 years ago and my dad was away on a business trip and my brother Josh was deployed in Afghanistan for a year.

At home in the empty house, I did my homework and decided I would order takeout for dinner. I decided I was gonna text Ali one last time for bed and see if she wanted a ride to school.
Text: Ali I'm sorry for whatever it is that I did today, please forgive me. Would you like a ride to school tomorrow boo? Luv always and forever Izzy

Few minutes after I heard my phone beep, when I looked it was a message from Ali. My heart started to pound outside of my chest and I didn't know what was the cause of it, I opened her text and it said: no thank you I think I will be driving to school in the morning,but you can check if your new fuck buddy needs a ride to school, later.


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