The Surprise - BajanCanadian (Mitch)

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Mitch has been acting strange for a few months and I needed to speak with him.

"Mitch?" I shouted from the living room. "Could you come here?"

"Yeah, one second!" he shouted from up the stairs.

I sat on the couch, twiddling with my thumbs, nervous.

Seconds later, Mitch came trotting down the stairs. "Hey honey." he smiled, walking up to me and kissing my forehead, "What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"You've been acting strange lately." I started, and looked over at him. His eyes met mine then he looked down at the floor. "Why?"

He looked back up at me. "I'm sorry I've been hiding this from you, I was just scared."

"M-Mitch, are you...c-cheating on me?" I asked nervously.

He chuckled lightly. "I would never cheat on a beautiful girl." He sighed then took my hands, and standing up, making me stand with him.

He pulled a small box out of his back pocket and got on one knee. "_______, we've been together for years, the best years of my life actually, and I'd like to spend even more with you. I never want to leave you, I want to be with you forever. _______, will you do the honor of being my beautiful wife?" He lifted the lid of the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring.

My hands were over my mouth and I was crying, tears of joy of course. I nodded. "Yes, I would love to." I took my hands off my mouth and smiled. I held out my hand and he slid the ring on my finger.

Mitch pulled me into a hug, which lasted a long time before we pulled away. I kissed him a bunch of times, still smiling.

I was now officially engaged to an amazing guy, my fiancé, Mitch.


I'M SORRY ITS REALLY SHORT!!! I sort of had writer's block.

Do you still love me? I hope so, because I love you. c:

Who did I say was next, Sky/Adam? idk. Again, writers block.

Anyway, Baiii!!!!


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