.:: NaC : XII ::.

229 5 3

Holy Toledo you guys are amazing. Still supporting me even tho I was ded. I am still soo sorry I haven't posted anything. I've been working and basically not even thinking about this.

I haven't really been watching gamers, recently I've been into, oh god, Twenty One Pilots. I'm scared to fall into another fandom, kinda. So yeah.

How have you all beeeennnn???? I miss you! Again. I'm really sorry I haven't posted literally anything.

I just downloaded this for the first time on this phone, and I've had this phone for months. Yeah, you should give me suggestions. For YouTubers, gamers, or gaming videos in general. I'm gonna post this same thing on my other story.

I look forward from hearing from you all.

Stay slimy,
xx SS

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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