Blood like roses.....(Vampire Nate X Vampire Reader)

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"What will happen to me if I turn to one of them?" You asked as you sit down in the chair looking at the doctor.

"If you become one of won't be a human again...."

You gulped holding the tears in your eyes. You touch your neck on the right. You can feel a two small holes in them.

"Is there any cure doc?"

The doctor shocked  his head sadly "No...."

You looked down clenching your both fist. "I...I see...thank you doc"

You gets up and bowed to the doctor. You head for the door.

"Wait Y/N"

You turn around "Yes doc?"

"There would be maybe 20 or 30% chance that I heard rumors you can be a "half human"

"Half human?"

"Yes....But still....Even so....just stay safe Y/N...Don't get killed...."

You noded your head "Yes....thank you doc..."

You swung the door open and close it from behind.

You walked on the dark street in your way home. Every time you looked at your left or right passing something....there strawberry, (insert any color that's red but not object please) Then you stoped as you looked on your heart beating fast it's not normal....cause your chest started to get hurt....your throat started to burn.....You shocked your head and continue walking. skin.....white skin.......flesh.....

Your thoughts were interrupted as you bump on someone.

"I..I am sorry!...I am so sorry!" You said bowing down.

The man in coat just gives you a disgust look "Watch where you going! Tch! Stupid girl!" With that he walked off.

You just stood there frozen on the street where people passes you as you looked down about to cry and rain started to pour down......

You feel so....hungry.......your throat started to burn worse as more people passes you......Your thirsty....thirst for...blood.....You looked down...and there.....lays a roses petals scattered........

"You don't have to hide it....if your thirsty....then kill....."

You looked behind you and saw a man wearing a black hoodie covering his face.

"Who....Who are you?" You said afraid stepping back.

"You don't have to be a afraid...." The man unhooded himself. "The Nate...."

Your eyes widen as you saw his eyes are glowing red.....

"Your...your a-"

Before you could say a word Nate covers your mouth.

"Shhh.....yes...yes I am...."

You push him away "I am not like you! Go away!"

You stomped away proceeding walking. As you kept walking your head started to felt dizzy. Your vision started to blur. You fell to the ground.

"Wha...What's....happening to me....."

Your breathes heavily as you were grabbing your throat. Suddenly you can feel someone picking your head up.

"Your stupid then I thought....."

Your vision started to get a little clearer

"Na...Nate?....*heavily breathing"

Nate bites his right arm as you can see bloods dripping.

"Suck it...."

You shocked your head violently

"No!! I don't want to turn!"

"If you don't drink it you will die!!!" Nate yelled

You looked at Nate once more...Yes you don't have a choice...You don't want to turn....but you don't want to die either....Your life will change once you turn...But....Maybe isn't so bad...right?

You looked at Nate's hand. Without a second thought you suck it. The taste of flavor of sweetness flows in you wanted more....You bite Nate's arm.

"Your fangs grew fast....Y/N...." Nate smiled. You stoped biting Nate as you slowly close your eyes.

Nate swipes one of your hairs from your neck as he started to unbutton your collar shirt.

"It's my turn....."

You smiled at Nate.....Your eyes started to close as the last thing you see....was Nate fang.....and...a rose petals flying in the air.....

The End...

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