I hate daddy....Part 2 Final!(Dad Nate X Protective Child Reader)

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After you finish showering you went straight away doing homework then play with your toys. Suddenly your room door opens. You looked behind you and smiled

"Mommy!~" you cried. You run to her and hugged her. Your mom chuckles as she kneel down.


"Yes dear?"

"Why....are you crying?" You pointed the tear felling down from her eyes.

Your mom just smiled and wipes her tear "It's nothing honey...Mommys a little-"

"Mommys upset?"

"No dear that's not what I-"

"What mommy? Who make mommy cry?" You said as you grib her both hands "I"ll make them pay!"

Your mom just giggled "Now now Y/N thats's-"

"Mom please! Who did this too you?!" You said as you higher up your time. Yes you are pretty much protective went it comes to your mom. You loved your mom very much....then your dad.....Why? Well....You did saw dad and your mom once fighting about something and then your dad slaps your mom's face and leaves.

Tears started to stream down from your eyes as you slowly went to mom hugging her. That's where you started to like your dad less then your mom. Your dad get also caught drinking alcohol went your mom is away but you saw it with your own eyes. He also had other women to hangout with secretly.Your dad change completely but one thing he didn't change was how he loves you.

Yes he loves you deeply like his precious baby. But you in the other hand don't love him that much after that incident happen.Also this isn't a 1 time your dad did this...it's like 10 times he did this

"Did daddy make mommy cried?...."

"Wh...What? No....No baby it's not-"

"I have to talk to daddy alone...."

You stand up but your mom grabs your arm.

"Wait Y/N you can't do this!"

"Mom...." You looked at your mom with full eyes "I am sick of how daddy makes mommy cried...it's not just the first time he did it...it's like 10 times....He needs a lesson or two"


You smiled to your mom "It's ok mom! I can handle this! Kick his butt is what I do! Beside I am not weak!"


"Mom you stay here don't interfere ok?"


"I"ll be back!"

You went for the door and close it behind while your mom just sitting in your bed proud of her own daughter.

"Look...how much you grown Y/N.....My little hero..."

You went downstairs and saw your dad watching a tv, drinking a beer and smoke. You went up to him quietly from behind crossing your arm. He didn't notice that cause his busy watching the tv....let's say his watching....porn.....Augh disgusting....

You clear your trout "Uhum...."

Your dad jumps and looked behind "Y/N?!.."

You raise your eyebrow "What are you watching?"

Your dad turns around again and turn off the tv then looked at you again. "N....Nothing! Hey Y/N you know it's not-"

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