Chapter 4

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Having someone else in my apartment felt weird. I could no longer scream or cry as loud as I usually do, which meant I held it in until the soldier had left some point during the night. He would always come and tell me he was leaving, and if I was asleep (or pretending) he would leave a note. Although, when I woke up he would be in my apartment again, sometimes I don't think he even left.

I became more self-conscious of how I looked when I left my room, although I didn't especially care what the soldier thought of me. I had become weak and, although I never did anything, I was tired. As he had been here for nearly a month, I didn't really mind shouting for him and he would bring me a drink or whatever I needed.

Steve would often be around, or stay in my apartment when they took Bucky for testing or whatever they did. I guessed that was what was happening from the conversations I overheard and the things Nat would tell me when she came and visited me. I felt like a hospital patient.

The soldier would occasionally come and sit in my room and talk to me. I barley talked back, but I often nodded or made some type of noise to show him I was listening. I enjoyed his company and I wished he did it more.

He never forced me to eat, but he would bring in food and leave it at the end of my bed. I appreciated his intentions so I would try and swallow small parts of the meals, and I could see the happiness and appreciation in him when I did eat. I was starting to see the blue in his eyes.

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