Chapter 10

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It had been a couple of weeks since the Tony and Bucky situation, and things still weren't sorted. Nat told me that Bucky was angry at Tony for waking me up, but Tony didn't think it was his fault. I tried talking to Bucky about it, and I told him that it really didn't matter, but he was insistent on getting Tony to apologise to me.

The situation between Bucky and I had become different since then. He looked at me in a different way and turned his eyes whenever mine and his met. The soldier still hangs around – and now practically lives – in my apartment, but he is less of a friend now. He never comes and sits in my room, or watches Friends with me and it's sad, because although he's there, I know he's somewhere else. So I gave up on Friends, and I have returned to my old habit of hiding in my room all day.

Steve still often comes around. He's basically the middle ground between the Tony and Bucky situation. The Captain sits with me, and tells me about what's happening in the tower. It's always the usual - Clint with his family, Tony with his parties, Banner with some new crazy gadget and Natasha with her training, although I've heard she partial to Starks parties.

Tony had found himself a new assistant, but still paid me wages – which was nice of him, although I overheard Bucky telling Steve to tell Tony to stop.

He annoys me. He no longer wears sweats and t-shirts, but jeans and formal tops. His hair is never messily pulled back, but arranged neatly into a man-bun on the back of his head. The soldier became more of a guard than a friend.

Buckys POV –

I had to distance myself from her. Becoming to close would only distract me from my purpose – to protect Y/N.

I hate pulling away, and it takes all my will-power to stop myself from pulling her into me whilst she sits on her sofa watching that dam programme. I've watched her get to series 6, and I now share a mutual feeling about the show with Steve. It made her happy, but she doesn't watch it anymore.

"KNOCK KNOCK" The door. But no one ever knocks.

"Oh, sorry, I was hoping to see Y/N," Stark, what does he want.

"Well, she's asleep right now. Can I give her a message?" Say one thing out of line and I'll punch you in your perfect teeth.

"Sure – I just wanted to give her this," He handed me a brown envelope that he had pulled from inside his jacket. "It's her wages for this month. Our transition system is down, so I couldn't put the money in her account." I clenched my jaw. She doesn't need his help, she has me.

"Stop paying her Stark. She doesn't need your help."

"Oh, and since when did you start speaking for her? I think you'll find Y/N is very grateful for my monthly deposit."

"She has me now, she doesn't need anyone else."

"Is that so?" He stepped into the apartment, and started heading towards Y/N's room.

"Don't you dare go anywhere near her or I'll make you sorry you tried." I stepped in. There was no way Stark was going anywhere near her. She was so peaceful in her sleep, and it was the only time she stopped thinking – I am not letting Tony ruin that.

"She's so peaceful when she sleep isn't she? So innocent and beautiful. Have you noticed that every time she cries, she sleeps on top of her sheet?"

Of course I had. I had spent countless nights in Y/N's room watching her sleep peacefully over or under her covers. If I had a moment of weakness, I would join her and hug her close to me. I was grateful Y/N was a deep sleeper. But how the hell did Tony know?

"How do you know?"

"The same way I know a lot of other things. I know that she always has tea in the morning and green tea at night. I know that you bring her that tea and that is the only time you smile at her. I know that she prefers her grey duvet covers to her pink ones and that her favourite top is her baggy blue and black one."

How the fuck does he know all this stuff.

"I also know, Bucky, how un-protected she is. You aren't doing a very good job of protecting her, are you?"

That was wrong. I care about Y/N as much as I care about Steve and I would do anything to protect her.

"Do you know how lonely she is? How she just sits in her room all day, staring into blankets. Does she even watch Friends anymore? I see you sleep in her bed, and I can tell how much to want to keep her from harm, but you aren't protecting her from anything." A spark turned on in his eyes, as if he had just conjured up the correct solution to an impossible algebra equation. "I bet you don't even want to protect her. You're just putting it on! You must have seen pictures of her before her breakdown, seen how amazingly hot she was and came up with a plan to help her back into that state to get into her pants! That's what it is!"

An enormous rage had built inside me. I dared not to move, nor speak, as I knew if I did I would turn, and take a shot at him – and I wasn't sure if it would be with my fist, or my gun.

"You wanted to get into her pants so badly, that you faked up some sympathy in hope to get her gorgeous body back and under you!" He paused. "Although, I don't blame you. Gee, the things I would do to a body like hers! Have you seen her rack, phewww, I mean I've seen a fair share in my time but her, wow."

I punched him.

I wasn't even sorry. He deserved it and I would have done it again if he hadn't of pulled a gun out once he was back up.

"You say that you're protecting her, but from what? You can stand on the side-lines and protect her from possible murders, but you aren't protecting her from herself. You aren't doing anything."

Stark walked out the apartment, and closed the door.

"Ahhhhh!" I smashed a glass vase into a wall. The way he talked about her made me sick. Y/N didn't deserve to be spoken about like she was a piece of meat. Of course I had seen pictures of her before everything happened, and Tony was right – she was gorgeous. I truly wanted to help her back to her happy self again, but not to get into her pants. I care about Y/N in a way only I can understand.

"Bucky. Can we talk?"


{ A/N - I am so sorry that chapter 10 kept deleting! Hopefully it will stay this time - thank you for all the reads as well! X }

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