Chapter 3

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Everyone says they can see blue in the soldiers eyes, but the few times I've seen him, I have only ever seen pain and emptiness. I can't imagine what he's been through.

"Y/N, this is Bucky. Bucky, this is Y/N"

I know who he is Steve, the whole city knows who he is.

"Clint, I and Bucky have decided that Buck is going to stay with you for a while,"

He added the soliders name quickly, as if he didn't actually have anything to do with the descion.

"He's going to look out for you and make sure you don't do anything..."

Steve stopped and looked at me with sorrow and also kinda like I was a kid who had just peeded themselves, which was annoying. I grunted and stayed wrapped in my duvet. I don't need looking after, I'm not a baby. I won't say that though, I appreciate Steve looking out for me.

"Okay," Steve smiled as if he was cupid and had just found a perfect match. "I'll leave you too to get to know each other. I'll be back later." And with that he was gone.

Thanks Steve. So what now? The soldier is still in my room, looking a little uncomfortable with this whole situation. Not being able to stand this tension and awkwardness I said,

"I'm going to be in here until 6, when I might come out and get a drink and maybe some food. Notice I say maybe, so if I don't, don't worry about me. Feel free to watch the TV and my Netflix. Tea, coffee and mugs are in the cupboard above the kettle. Help yourself to food. I might come and get breakfast tomorrow," I ran my hand through my hair and sighed, this was the most exhausting thing I've done in a while.

"If I don't then please don't worry, and please please don't tell Steve if I don't eat. It only worries him" I buried my head under my duvet again, and held in my massive sigh until I heard the door shut and footsteps disappear down the hall. I slept.


Recovery (Bucky X reader fanfic) COMPLETED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin