Chapter 29

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Bucky's POV -
I imagined that we looked like a scene out of a movie. Floods of light streamed into the room, as our bodies lay tangled with each other in my bed. Our hair was outstretched and messy, cotton sheets barley covering us.  
Y/N was still asleep, but I was wide awake; too ecstatic to rest.  Last night was so beautiful, and just how I had imagined. Y/N was so perfect, and it made me so happy to finally see her comfortable with herself.
"Morning," she stirred whilst I listened to her breathing softly.
I kissed her forehead, letting my lips linger there a little.
"More like afternoon," I laughed "Its nearly 2pm."
"How have we been asleep for so long?"
"I'm just that good," I smirked as Y/N hit my chest with a pillow.
"We should get up," She tried to move, but I quickly pulled her back, letting her fall back on top of me.
"Bucky, Steve's party starts at 6 tonight, we need to get up."
Y/N freed herself from my grip and got out of bed.
"Like what you see?" She asked as I sat slightly dazed as she walked around my room completely undressed.
"You know I do."
Your POV-
After Bucky and I got some food, he gathered up his suit and started getting ready to head over to Steve's to get ready for the party and help set up.
"I'll see you later then," I said, as we stood in the doorway with our hands tangled.
"I'm looking forward to it." He replied, head tilted down to me, smirking like crazy. His head moved closer to me still, swiftly attaching his lips to mine once again. He winked and then left, leaving me to get ready for tonight. My heart danced in my chest, tingling happiness shooting in my body.
Not too long after Bucky had left, I wandered into the bathroom to get ready. I showered quick, before painting my nails a sharp red that matched my dress. I walked into my room, and saw a black box on the side that caught my eye. The box was covered in velvet, and had a note on the top addressed to me.  It read- "Y/N,
Having this opportunity to get to know you and becoming one of your closest friends, and maybe even more than just that, has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
You are beyond beautiful, Y/N, in every way possible and every thing you do entrances me. I am so proud of you for coming so far and how strong you've become.
I love you, Y/N.
Bucky X"
A small tear of happiness left my eye, and I kept reading and re-reading the note. My tears blotted the paper, as I held it close to my chest. Still holding the note, I opened up the small box. Inside lay a delicate string of pearls - stark white in the sun.
"Oh Bucky."

The hours passed and it was nearly time for the party. My red dress fell perfectly on my body, and I complimented the white pearls with white heels. I sat down at my dressing table to add the finishing touches to my outfit.
I traced over each delicate pearl on the necklace with my finger; every second imagining Bucky. We had become so close again, and I didn't trust anyone more. I felt ready to tell him about what had happened to me, I knew that he would be here for me whatever. Bucky was more than a friend to me, and I loved him. I wasn't going to repress that anymore.
I clasped the necklace around my neck, stood in front of my mirror taking one last long look, took a deep breath and headed to the party.

Bucky's POV -
I was worried that Y/N wouldn't turn up. No matter how many times I reassured her that I would protect her, I knew how anxious she was.
"Calm down Buck, she'll turn up." Steve patted my back, obviously picking up on nerves.
"I hope so."
The party had already begun and my worry increased with each second. I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, which was the entry to the party, just watching the top for Y/N.
"Natasha!" I called out as Nat passed me. "You haven't heard from Y/N?"
"No sorry, she hasn't turned up yet?"
I shook my head.
"Sorry, I'll let you know if I hear something." Nat gave me a sympathetic look, before joining the party.

Your POV -
I stood outside the doors to the party. The booming music echoed in my ears, mixed with the sound of my booming heart. I tried to stay calm; just picturing Bucky in there; remembering that he is in there.
"I can do this. I can do this."

Bucky's POV-
I was about to go up to find Y/N, but the doors swung open. At the top of the stairs stood the most beautiful and elegant woman I had ever laid eyes on. She beamed as we made eye contact on her way down.
Her smile grew and grew as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
"You look - amazing. Y/N, you - I can't -"
She chuckled as I stumbled over my words.
"Thank you. You look incredibly handsome." The room lit with her smile, and all eyes were drawn to her. "Bucky, the necklace; you really didn't have to."
"No no, I wanted you to have something that is as beautiful as you are."

Your POV-
We both stood, love struck, at the bottom of the stair case. I really loved him.
"Bucky, I need to tell you something; before we met, I was a wreck. More than of a mess than when you first saw me and more ill than on my worst days with you. My past, which one day I'll tell you about, completely flipped my character and sent me spiralling into self destruction.
When you first arrived, I only accepted your help because of Steve. I had no idea how much you would help my recovery and to getting me back to the person I wanted to be; the person I'm so close to now.
You mean so much to me Bucky; you are someone I can trust, someone who I can talk to, someone I can love and who loves me back.
I am so grateful for everything you've helped me with, for sticking with me in my darkest days, and for making my best days even brighter.
I love you Bucky. I really do."

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