Rin Okumura x Reader!!

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Author~Chan's POV

"Rin! Pay attention!" Yukio yelled, all the class snickered for this is probably the thousandths time Rin wasn't paying attention in class. "(Y/N) since you are sitting next to him feel free to whack his head for him to pay attention" Yukio said, (Y/N) nodded and smirked at Rin, 'this is gonna be fun!' (Y/N) thought, everyone was trying to hold in their laughs but failed miserably. Laughter was heard in the class room while Rin Buried his head in his book groaning loudly, Yukio managed to stop the ruckus and the lesson continued.

Reader~Chan's POV

I side glanced at Rin, he's not paying attention, hehe! I grabbed my reading book which was really thick and hard, then...I smacked his head with it, "OWW!!" Rin howled, he glared at me, I held a peace sign up and stick my tongue out, "pay attention Rin" I said before going back to my work.

%%% Time Skip by Rin's Cuteness%%

Ok so I whacked Rin on the head about 10 times today, he probably has a bruise now, oh well. It's after class now I gotta go back to my dorm, which I share with the Okumura's, yep I'm their new roommate, actually it's really fun! "Oi! (Y/N) wait up!" Someone yelled out, I whipped my head around to see Rin with the biggest smile ever, WTF! I whacked him so many time but he's still happy geez! "Then hurry up" I replied, he quickly caught up and grabbed my arm, "OI! What a are yo-" I was cut off by Rin smashing his lips onto mine, it was a bit rough but passionate at the same time, I meted into the kiss while wrapping my arms around his neck.

We broke apart for air, Rin put on the biggest smile I ever saw "umm will you go out with me?" Rin asked, he had pink stained on his cheeks, so cute! "Yeah!" I yelled and gave him a big hug which he returned.

Author's POV

you and Rin went back to the creepy dorm building and he dragged you into your room locking the door behind him.

You two were in for a long night ;)


Well hope you liked this!! It took a while to finish but I like it all the same!

also feel free to leave a request in the comments or send a private message!


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