Party special

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Yo guys, finally finished this chapter! These are the dates for you, my two OC's that have a main role and me, Cass:
Reader: Sebastian (black butler)
Melody: Natsu Dragneel (fairy tail)
Ashley: Urushihara (the devil is a part timer)
Cass(me): Iceland (Hetalia)

It took me forever ever just to think of this so I hope you all like it!

"Hello? Cass?!" (Y/N) says panicked into the phone. The (H/C) haired girl paces around her room with a somewhat anxious look. "Ya? What's up?" Cass asks calmly. (Y/N) shrieks with fright not expecting her best friend to answer so quickly, a small groaning noise could be heard from the other end of the phone. "Geez (Y/N)...are you trying to kill my eardrums?!" Cass asks angrily. (Y/N) let's out a sigh before apologising twice. "Sebastian asked me to the party and now I have nothing wear since my mum stole my clothes!" The (E/C) eyed girl complains. Cass chuckles from the other end of the phone, quite amused with her friend. "Meet me at the plaza in ten Kay? Bye~!" Cass says hanging up. (Y/N) locked her phone then put it in her pocket, she grabbed a jacket then headed to her front door. (Y/N) put on her black converse before heading to the plaza.

...le time skip...

"Yo (Y/N), over here!" Cass yells. The (H/C) haired female rushes over to her friend, who is acting like a maniac. "Why are we here?" (Y/N) asks. A wide grin covers Cass's faces as she then drags her friend into the large building. "We are buying dresses with Ashley and Melody!" Cass states. The brunette smiles as she drags her (H/C) haired friend to a fancy dress shop. "Cass! Over here!" A cheerful voice yells. This earned looks from the other customers, though they just ignore it. "Hiya (Y/N)!" A blue haired girl says. Cass then grabbed the a light blue dress, shoving it and (Y/N) into a dressing room. "Try it on" Cass says before walking away. "Ashley, where's Melody?" Cass asks the blue haired girl. Ashley sighs with annoyance before placing a hand in her hip and staring Cass in the eyes. "She said she'll meet us at the party" Ashley replied.

Not to soon after all three girls had their dresses, all that needs to be done now is to get ready!

...Le Time Skip to the party (I'm lazy and don't want to have to say how the girls got ready!)...

As Cass, Ashley and (Y/N) entered the fairly large dance hall, the music was turned all the way up, people were dancing or waiting for their dates to show up. "Ooh look there's Melody with Natsu~" Ashley says pointing to a black haired girl with blueish black eyes. (Y/N) looked around trying to find Sebastian when Ashley was lead away by a purple haired boy also known as Urushihara or Lucifer. "See your date yet?" Cass asks leaning on the wall. The (E/C) eyed girl shook her head no, her eyes scanned the through the large crowd. "Found your date (Y/N)" Cass says. This instantly caught the attention of the (H/C) haired female. (Y/N) walked over to Sebastian with a small shy smile. "Good evening" Sebastian says.

Cass was dancing with her date, Emil Steilsson aka Iceland when Ashley crashed into the food table getting everyone's attention. "YOU BITCH!" A teenage girl shrieked. (Y/N) stayed close to Sebastian as did Melody to her date. Urushihara was about to go help Ashley when the teenager punched the bluenette in the face. "HEY!" Cass yelled drawing the attention to her "What do you think you're doing?!" Cass asks threateningly. The teenager looked at the brunette in disgust before Ashley pounced on her. Emil grabbed Cass's handing causing her to calm down, a small reassuring smile tugged at her lips. Everyone watched as Ashley (666 words not including this note lololol) and the teenager fought for god knows what reason.

Cass and (Y/N) finally pulled the two apart before they killed each other. (Y/N) brought the teenager to the other side of the dance hall with Sebastian while Cass tryed to get an explanation out of Ashley. "Ashley, tell us what happened already" Melody says frustratedly. Ashley let out a shaky breath before looking Melody in the eyes. "I don't have to explain nothing to you Melody" Ashley says. Both girls stare at each other before they go into a fit of giggles. "How about we go to my place for a movie eh?" Cass asks. Both girls nod before dragging their dates along. Cass went over to (Y/N), to ask if she wanted to join, she immediately said yes with a huge smile.

The four girls and their dates all made their way to Melody and Cass's cars. In Melody's car, Ashley was in passenger, Natsu and Urushihara in the back while Melody drove. Cass's car was, Emil in the passenger, (Y/N) and Sebastian in the back and Cass drove.

...another Time Skip...

Once they all made it to Cass's house, the group of eight watched Suicide Squad and had a sleep over. The end!


Did you guys love how shit this was? If you did thanks I try to try to make these good. lololol. Soz for not updating sooner, I've been playing Mystic Messanger, it's so good and time consuming. I totally recommend it.

Since I've already planed the next update(for once) it's going to be Zen(from Mystic Messanger) x One of my friends at school who I will give a shout out to next chapter~


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