11.Cindy Mortez Charity

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"It's an all white event, every year he chooses a different colour and this year it's white" Jai explained to me while eating a cheese cake. Heather had to leave to go to the office and do some errands for Nate. I love Heather she is so nice. Gigi has left once she styled my hair in a perfect bun because she is a busy woman. "It's something he do every year to help out children at the local hospital."

He is so considerate always helping people.

I have been blowing at my nails for the past ten minutes. I think the style that Karl gives me is called French nails I am not quite sure but it's simple ,beautiful and I love it.

"Why didn't he tell me about this two days prior?" I could have been prepared then. I don't even have  a suitable dress for the function and I knew that there will be lot of big shots present.

"It must have slip him. He has a lot going on."

The weather wasn't that cold anymore. The snow had stopped and the Sun is peeping over the horizon. It's like it's having a fight with the cloud but it's having its win. I like this type of weather it just give you a nice chill. I knew that the snow phase will picks back up in mid December but for now I will enjoy this peaceful weather.

After I am finally comfortable that my nails is completely dry and will not smudge I finally snatch a piece of the cherry cheese cake from Jai that my mouth was watering and dying to taste.

"Greedy" Jai cursed and giving me a bad eye. I laughed and shove it in my mouth.

"If I have asked, you wouldn't have given it to me. The way you keep moaning after each bit it's like you were having sex with the food." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"True, I wouldn't have given it to you. It's the best cheese cake I have ever tasted." It was so delicious that I wished more was there to eat.

"I will have to get a dress for the function. I think I should leave now so I can be ready on time." I said to Jai.

"Yea. I think I should tag along." Maybe a male point of view wouldn't be so bad but I will call Lisa and let her help me to choose.

"You know that I have never seen Nathan smile so much well not since you arrive?" I turned and focus my attention to Jai. I knew that my cheeks are red as a ripe tomato. I didn't answered I smile inwardly to myself.

"Yes , it's true." He confirmed once more. "I might have told him not to fall in love but maybe I was wrong. You make him happy but I knew that he will be too stubborn to admit it." I remembered how he tells me to stay in his room last night and when he looked at me it's like he's smiling with his eyes. If what Jai is saying is true then I don't know what to say. He makes me happy too and he treat me like I am a princess he might not be around a lot but he shows that he cares about me. The little things he does like when I was watching television the other day and he stretch is hand over the coach and his fingers lingers on my shoulder for a minute or two.

"I don't know what to say or how to react" I said softly because my heart is racing and it might be going into overdrive upon hearing all these sweet words.

"Don't say anything. Just be there to keep his heart safe. He is this guy who do one night stands because that's the only way he knows how to forget." He stops "I don't think I should tell you that , I think Nathan will tell you when he's ready."

Forget what? I wanted to ask. What is this big secret of his past.?

"But he's with Nora." Jai laughed because clearly it seems that I have given him a joke.

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