Chapter 28

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This shit is going all the wrong ways. This was never ment to happen, how could i have ever fallen for this this monster. What had come over me, of course you love him silly goose. But here we are in some sort of stand of and i don't know what the fuck i need to do. Klaus holding the original killing white oak stake and Elijah holding papa tunde's blade that hurt me so bad. With what he staked me. While we all are still trapped here in Lafayette Cementry.

Rebekah!' Klaus said with that dangerous look in his eye. ' Walk away ' Elijah said to Nik this fight between them will never end i swear to you. THey just need to talk but they just can't. 'Don't move! ' he yelled. 'Leave us now ' Elijah said to Rebekah and me. Like hell i am going to leave those two. 'I can't. I'm stuck here. Elijah, he has the white oak stake ' Rebekah said with fear in her voice. ' I brought it for you, sister ' Nik said taunting her obvious. 'Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now ' i said to Rebekah. 'I can't believe you did all this for me, you love him and you help me why' she asked me. 'Cause you are my sister and best friend i can't let my lover kill his and mine sister we are family if he pulls this off he will regret this forever' i said to her. She nodded. Rebekah vamp-speed away and we both turn back to Klaus. 'I'm very dissapointed in you Mia, i thought we were on the same side' 'Nik we mostly are but not on this i love you even after i let myself stake for you' i said.

' I'm asking you, brother to brother-- we end this nonsense now ' Elijah tried but we both knew it was too easy. 'You would side with that traitor, you both would' 'and you Mia, you don't love me and you never had' i scoffed how dares he. I will get to him later first we need to solve this shit. 'I am not choosing sides, but I will not allow you to hurt our sister ' Elijah said. 'We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her ' he tried. Klaus vamp-speed away but we both block his way. 'As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary' i said and that moment if looks could kill i would be dead by now.

Elijah and Klaus are pacing around each other while i sit on some tombstone where someone lies in peace. Well not so much for peace. Elijah still tries to hold him off for killing Rebekah. 'You've been at this for hours. To what end? Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me' Elijah said very brave brother very brave. But he was right we are here for hours. 'Nik please let's go home, i love you i still do please' 'you don't love me or you wouldn't have sided with Rebekah or Elijah. Or are you with him now, are you in love with him that hims taking you all was this little act' he was getting delusional. 'Alright this is crazy' i sighed.

'I could get past you. Although, it might have to be over your dead body. You did stab my girlfriend with that blade, forcing her to endure hours of unspeakable pain. Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you' so now i'm his girlfriend. He does still love me. 'I'm your girlfriend now huh' i spoke. He got annoyed with me. Good. 'You should see yourself-- the murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like Father' he said and i knew he stroke a nerve deep inside him. 'I'm not him. Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty. None of you were-- not Kol, not Finn, None of you! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like' 'no i haven't forgotten' he said and the two of them were being sucked in some flashback keeping me out of the loop. Great.

Klaus tries to escape again after the two of them shared a memorie but Elijah caught up with him real fast. 'Niklaus, I understand your anger, but I implore you, be better than him. Do what he could not-- demonstrate the grace of mercy, rather than this petty cruelty' 'You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me. You really don't know me at all, do you, brother?' 'Enough. Whatever I have done wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine. But, before you have it, I will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led us to this' Rebekah said. 'Bekah what are you doing here i told you to go silly girl' i sighed. 'Let me be Mia, this isn't your fight or Elijah's but mine' she said very brave or very stupid. 'Go on, then. Speak your piece, and when you are finished, I will grant you the punishment you deserve, even if I have to go through Elijah to do so' Klaus said with that smirk on his face.

Klaus sits on top of the tomb just to pretend to be a judge. Child. 'Let it begin. The trial of Rebekah Mikaelson' Klaus said. 'What a relieve he ego is in check' i muttered to Elijah and Rebekah. Klaus giving me the dirty eye. 'Please Rebekah Just speak your truth. I'll make certain he behaves himself' i said and kissed her cheek. 'You stand accused of betraying your own blood. How do you plead?' she did really betray him and i understand he is hurt but why can't he let this go. THis happened ages ago. 'I plead you to shut up and listen' Rebekah snapped. 'You summoned our father. You brought him to our home. What possible defense could you have?' 'I knew he was the only thing that you feared, and I wanted you to run' she said not very smart word choise but alright i keep with her. 'Because you hated me' 'Because you were hateful. You denied me the freedom to love' she said with tears in her eyes. 'Oh, so that's your defense? You called Mikael-- the Destroyer, the Hunter of Vampires-- because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors' 'You were cruel, and controlling, and manipulative' i said. 'Oh, so that's your defense? You called Mikael-- the Destroyer, the Hunter of Vampires-- because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors' he said. 'I was not manipulative' he said to me. 'You were or are, she just wants to love someone else then her brothers you have to understand that Nik' 'because you never did, because you never had family because all you ever knew were harsh words and hard movements and rapists right' he said to me and he hurt me by saying that. I refused to cry at that very moment but it hurts like hell. He really did broke my heart after all.

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