Return to the gates of HELL

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Hello people of the world..... So this is the official first chapter yayyy im so grateful there are already 13 views and 4 votes thank youuuu.
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Matt Beatrice Allison Zac to the top or side ----
Ashleys POV
*you hit me once I hit you back
You gave a kick I gave a slap
you smashed a plate over my head
And I set fire to our bed*
"Oh crap!"i groaned my head buried in the pillow. Lifting my hand i started smashing the damn alarm clock but it wont shut up."Ughhhhh What The Hell" wait a minute why is does alarm clock feel long and leathery uhhhhh okay whats going on. "Oh oh oh" i exclaimed realizing that it wasn't my alarm clock it was my shoe Signs of a sleep deprived person .... So donnot judge. Getting up i checked the time "7:15 Shit im late" i screamed , making a beeline to the bathroom brushed my teeth untangled the locks in my freakish hair. In the rush of finding what clothes i should wear i almost snapped my neck because of the stupid football uniform in the middle of the room ... OK so i live like a filthy animal with mess everywhere so what its just as nice as a clean room Note the sarcasm dripping in my voice. Quickly grabbing my trusty denim shorts and a mixture of honey and light brown colored tanktop i threw them on and grabbed my back n left without eating breakfast. Well isnt this good my first day of senior year and i look like a pathetic hobo.
I rushed into the front seat of my car, my baby an audi. I was a freak for cars ... can't help it now can i? After ten minutes which seemed like a decade i recahed the gates of hell. Parking my car i ran towards the door and my senior year begins, gotta admit im pretty excited. I felt strong arms wrap around me and lift me of the ground "Matt come one put me down im late to class" I retorted hiding a smile forming on my face. Matt laughed and before responding bowed down on one knee "oh yes im so sorry my highness", there were rare times like these when you seen Matt crack a joke and those are the moments to cherish or video tape and then embarrass him by sending it to the school. Once our oh so innocent sarah accidently instead of sending it to us, sent it to the whole school and Matt didn't talk to her for a whole week.

"Oh shut up.... I really gotta head to class i dont want Mrs.smarty pants Clarke give me another detention" you see Mrs.Clark never really like me , one time in freshmen year she got a haircut and i told her that she looked like the donkey from shrek, since then she has held a grudge. Like God woman get over it , it was just a joke. Suddenly all of my other friend sappeared in sight and screamed "Ash" before squeezing my soul out of my body, God first my alarm clock then these guys , looks like everyone wants me deaf. "Guys i cant breathe and i think i just went deaf" i replied breathlessly. "Oops sorry" they replied in unison i swear how do they do it. "Its fine, i will catch up later right now i have to go to class" saying that i headed towards my locker along with Bee, Allison, Alexa and Cheryl, their lockers are right next to my locker. Out of no where suddenly Noah a guy from our school appeared and pecked Allison on the lips "Cant wait to see you tonight ". "New boy toy" said Bee to this Ally smirked making us understand that thats a yes. "You are such a slut" Alexa joked, making Ally dramatically gasp and placing her hand on her heart... "Well he is cute you cant blame her" exclaimed Cheryl "ikr his packs Oh god!" Ally said agreeing to Cheryls statement "i swear".

"Woah woah, Cher u have a boyfriend Max remember him or did u forget when you started to discuss about Noahs abs" i said joking, this remark resulting in Bee, Alexa and Ally falling inyo fits of giggles and me trying to hold back a laugh which was threatening too spill out any moment. The look on Chers face was priceless she was turning red of embarrassment, "there there our shy, innocent and currently a red tomato child" said Bee pinching Chers cheeks resulting in her cheeks becoming more red, i swear i love this girl. Reaching our lockers i threw in my bag and took out my history books and joined Zac, Sarah and Betty to our class. Entering the class i saw that everyone was seated and Mrs.Clarke sitting on her chair ughhh seeing her face made me want to puke, "Your late , detention all of you" "Fuck" i murmured shit i think that came out louder then i wanted it to. "Excuse me what did you say" asked Mrs.Clark clearly shocked "Frock" really out of all the things i could've said i chose frock no no great i should receive an award for being this dumb, Zac Betty and Sarah giving me that are- you-effing-kidding- me look. "What" they mouthed and Mrs.clarke said out loud, "Well you see ummm.... I just remembered that i had to buy ummm a frock for an well an upcoming event yea...yea!thats it". Mrs.Clarke just gave me an awkward look clearly not believing me and asked us to be seated. I sat at the back next to Zac and Sarah next to Betty. "Psst" i heard a voice turning around i saw it was Sarah "what" i said annoyed for some reason oh wait i know i got up late today, almost snapped my neck, i look like a hobo and now i got detention sooo i came to a conclusion that today is just not not my day. "woah someone is in a pissed mood" said zac "shut up zac before i rip your head off of your body" i retorted , ok maybe that came out a bit rude but hey its just not my day. Zac made a gesture of zipping up his lips and throwing the key away before turning away. Honestly that made me laugh and i had to bite my lip to try and not laugh.
"Anyways back to what i was saying .... Ok so yesterday i saw Thomas yes yes from Clear view school at starbucks .... Omg he is so beautiful i mena his jaw line, his eyes, his soft hair and ohhhh his oh so godly smile, i just wanna..." I cut her off by growling and my face turning red , that basta- phewwwww control ashley control, even hearing his name makes me want to pinch him that arrogant son of a ..... H ethinks he is some kind of god when in reality he is the spawn of satan idk what girls see in him. "You know how much i hate the guy dont even speak of him its bad enough i have to face him at every match , now my friend is swooning over him that is something i cannot accept"i snapped "ok chill im sorry its my fault i know how much you hated him i shouldnt have said all that about him"... "No im sorry i was clearly out of li.."i was cut off by Mrs.Clarke clearing her throat "Miss Benson would you like to tell me about the French Revolution" she asked well more like commanded. "Well no i dont know" i said in a low voice "as excpected double detention" fuck are you kidding me double detention like one detention wasnt bad enough.
Oh thank god i was free. I rushed out of the class leaving my friends behind, i couldnt stay in there any longer. The rest of the day passed quickly, it was time to head towards the cafeteria as it was lunch break, getting in line with Betty and Matt behind I asked the lunch lady to give me a burger so did Betty and Ian. I reached the table seeing all of my friends already seated we greeted each other. "So did you hear that the finals are coming up so practice is gonna be tight"said Evelyn ,"shit i almost forgot that we had practice today!" I replied, "well thanks to me now you remember " evelyn responded proudly "i agree to disagree" i said now its my turn too feel proud, to this evelyn just giggled. We talked about random nonsense. When suddenly my stomach growled and at the same time Betty decided that she needs to loose weight, like really and so she didnt want to eat her burger "well then i will take that i need it more than you" i said excited to eat a free burger what can i say the bond between me and food is inseparable. "You know you should be careful i mean this burger could contain what not shit" Cheryl said in a worried tone "well unlike you three i dont have boyfriends to please and you two who want to whore around so they have to be fit... I dont give a shit about my weight" i said first pointing at Bee, Alexa and Cher and then pointed towards Allison and Matt. All of them started to laugh at my silly boyish behavior. After the bell rang we headed back.

It was time for after school practice. I ran towards my locker to take out my football uniform and waited for Matt and Eve near the girls washroom. After waiting for 10 minutes they arrived "oh you are to early couldn't you be more early" I retorted sarcastically "HaHa very funny sass queen, I was being lectured by Mr.Philip for being late to class" Matt said nonchalantly " ohhh lemme guess whoring around, making out with a randomn chick to be precise" I stated in a more of a matter of fact tone and raised my eyebrow. "You know me so well" Matt replied ruffling my hair, "dont do that, you know i hate it when someone touches my hair" I hissed patting my hair back down, "You guys do realize that im here right" evelyn said smirking, "what are you smirking at" "Nothing really just felt like smirking" Matt and I shot awkward glances towards Eve and she just laughed and headed towards the field and we followed. Reaching the field i noticed that there were more than just the two teams of our school there were four. Uhhhh What? Racing towards the coach i first greeted him he was a nice man not one of the pain in the behind coaches "hey coach why are there four teams more importantly why are the other two from our rival school" i questioned coach, quirking an eyebrow. "Umm well you see kiddo form now on everyday we will practice with our rivals to make us more prepared ......"i pretty much zoned him out after that because the words every day, rovals and practice pretty much was enough to make me pass out. This means i would have to bear that pathetic excuse of a guy Thomas Anderson. "What you have got to be kidding me".

There ya gooo , how was it huh huh tell meeeehhhh.
What so you think Ashleys reaction will be when she sees better yet has to play with Thomas? I will soon post the second chapter. Oh if you kniw someone who can make good covers please tell me.
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