Ouch .......That HURT!!!!

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So the song above does not have anything to do with this chapter... i just like it, HEHE. I swear school is killing me and writing these chapters adds extra burden and im so sorry for not updating early but other than that i will try my best to post it at least 2 times a week i was thinking Saturday, Monday and Thursday. Anyways for now enjoy the second chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Sarah in the picture above...


Ashley's P.O.V

"WHAT! you have got to be kidding me". i whispered screamed, honestly i felt this anger residing with in me.Like even the thought of practicing with The one who shall not be named makes me want to dig a ditch and die, NOT JOKING.

"I'm sorry kiddo I cant do anything" before i could say something back he continued" but look on the bright side you get to practice better and increase the chances of winning" coach completed saying his optimistic opinion. "But.." again i was cut off by coach "No buts only Yes Coach now go and play and knock them out of the park" "But this is the field coach" really Ash right now your cracking a joke when you should be angry and throwing tantrums. Okay so im quite childish and stubborn, its just natural.

"Oh who cares just go and win even though this is practice, you know how the saying goes um um uhhh" said coach trying to remember the quote "PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT" I completed the saying, "exactly" was coach's enthusiastic response, "you know coach your great at coaching" in an obvious tone "but honestly dont give motivational talks cause they are not helping" i said to coach jokingly, coach only smiled and then blew his whistle loud, causing me too yelp and jump back a step in surprise, bumping into someone in the process turning around i saw Thomas smirking at me , ughhh really out of all the people in the world.

"Its a small world isn't it" said Thomas still smirking, well you see Thomas knew me cause well im team captain for the girls and i always see him on the matches... we have talked sometimes, well like he has tried to but i always did one thing which was IGNORING HIM, which i should've done this time as well but instead of utilizing my brain-which btw is the size of a peanut-I responded back to the jerk which i immediately regretted doing "Yet i run into you and not Michael Jordan".

"Woah i didnt know little miss grumpy old troll talks" Thomas said in a serious tone and then his lips twitched upwards and he started laughing,and people say that he has a scowl etched face and that he was very intimidating, HA intimidating my ass he was a lunatic."Excuse me! First of all yes i do talk Second of all we ( i said pointing at him then me)have talked but our talks never ended well and Third of all mister arrogant nuthead did you just call me old and a troll"I asked.

Ignoring my first two statements he answered me saying "yes yes i did call you old and a troll" in return i turned around walked away, well not before flipping him the middle finger, what does he think he is huh that arrogant son of a *****, felt good to say that.

Feeling someone glare at me i tilted my head to see Christina, the rivals girl football team captain and also mister arrogant faced jerk pathetic excuse of a man Thomas's ex-girlfriend, believe me when i say i had as much hatred for her as i did for Thomas ok maybe not that much but you get my point, RIGHT? I swear she is those clingy creepy stalker exes. That stuck up bitch, ohhh that reminds me where is my stuck up bitches nicer version Bee. Looking around the field i didnt see her, Oh well must be somewhere anyways gotta get'my head in the game' HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL REFERENCE.

Our coach and their coach decided to merge the teams together in this patter

Team 1: The boys and girls team from my school.

Team 2: The boys and girls from ClearView

Getting in position, i was right behind Matt and and Evelyn was next to me and right infront of Matt was the one and only Thomas.... I didn't realise i was staring at him -With disgust ofcourse- until he looked my way and saw caught me staring and then ofcourse sent me one of his devious lil smirks, which honestly i just want to slap it of his face, in return i growled at him and he just chuckled.

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