Lifeless Bodies.

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"You only get one life.

It's actually your duty

to live it as fully as possible."

- Me Before You



Its what I felt when my eyes opened and adjusted to the darkness in the room. My whole body felt numb yet I could still fell the pain.

Dried blood trickled down my face.

Blood on my clothes.

Blood on my hands.

Blood in my hair.

Blood on the ground.

Blood everywhere.

Damn how much did they hit me?

I groaned as I picked up my limp body from the ground. Well I tried to but I had no energy and ended up falling on my face.

Wait. Hold up. Im not tied in the chair? YES.

I tried to call out some one to help but it came out as a mere whisper.

"Help." I managed to groan out the word.

Thankfully someone heard me as footsteps approached me. Hands went on my waist and slowly helped me up, settling me down on a chair. My eyes followed up the mans body and landed on a guy around my age .... the same guy who stopped Blondie Assface from hitting me. Before I could say some thing he got up and left. Ok weird?

I felt so dirty, so betrayed, so sick I felt so much pain not only physically but mentally.

Secrets. My inner voice whispered.

Secrets. Whispered again.

SO MANY SECRETS. It screamed much to dismay. The realization kept coming and going. So many secrets but why?

My head whipped in the direction of footsteps. It was the same guy again he came and settled infront of me. Holding me upright.

He brought a bottle of water to my lips and helped me drink it. A boost of energy was what my body needed and it got it. A flood of relief ran through me.

"Why are you helping me?" my curiosity rose as to why he would helped me wasnt he supposed to hate me like his boss. As if my question amused him he smirked.

"Why cant I?" he raised his brow.

"I asked you first. So tell me Black haired guy why are helping me?" I know intervening with his business would not be the best thing to do but it would be better then thinking about the secrets.

A look of sadness crossed his eyes. It was as if he was battling against himself to tell me or not. Before he spoke I head him mumble something along the lines of 'its not like i will see her again'.

"Does it look like I want this?" he looked up in my eyes tears pooled in them. So much sadness such a deep story was in his eyes.

"No." I whispered.

"Thats right NO. I was forced into this." he smiled softly at me. I felt so bad for him. " and when I saw you being hit and tortured like that I wanted to help so here I am."

Happy Endings Aren't True. #theliteraryawards2017Where stories live. Discover now