Holy Mother Of God...That Is Some Sweet Mexican Man Meat!!!

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So yeah I give you full permission to hate my guts but I had my reasons which I will explain in the end of the chapter.

P.s dedication to @zainabdar1430 for being one of the most supportive friends and damn girl calm your ass cuz I aint publishing this book ;p

Thomas's P.O.V

There she was just sitting there looking like a Greek Goddess.... I dont even know why I am attracted to her this much I mean she is just another girl. I may not be a player and the only girl friend I had was Christina and we all know how that ended....NOT WELL, the girl is just tooooo clingy notice how I stretched the O's yeah just keep stretching it. Anyways back to the Goddess... stop calling her that you dim wit you seem like a whipped douche.... Im not a whipped douche am I? Well I sure as well hope not, just hold on a second and let me see if I still have a dick because I feel like a girl falling hard for a guy.

OK that came out wrong I ..um I just meant..UGHH you know what screw it lets just talk about the hottie Im currently swooning over, see Im pretty sure I have lost my dick and dignity because guys dont swoon thats the girls job. She was there in her skirt and that shirt, damn those legs, there is the sick perv guy I know, my balls are back bitches.

The only problem was that she was with that Josh dude honestly what did she see in him. I heard the guy broke into the schools A.V club and asked her out infront of the whole senior year. Pretty cool? Yeah. Do I like the fact that she is with a wuss? NO. Honestly I can treat her a whole lot better then him. Some one please tell me two things.

FIRST why the fuck am I falling for this girl and admitting that I am falling hard for her?

SECOND does anyone know when my life turned into Shawn Mendes's song Treat you better. And No I didn't hear it myself my sister is just a big fan so she sings this fucking crap all the time.

WOW I just realized I rant alot I mean I was checking out Ashley one second and now I am talking about how much Beth (my sister) loves Shawn Mendes. Focusing my attention back to Ashley I heard her sweet voice laughing at something her friends just said. But sadly God doesn't like me hearing something lovely because I was interrupted by a squeaky voice which I recognized as Christinas. Honestly what did I see in her.

"Thomas Hellooo..... Thomas?" she waved her hand infront of my face and I turned my head to face her. "What Christina?" she irritates me. "Wow Im good thanks for asking me Oh so kindly, How about you?" sarcasm dripped in her voice causing me to roll my eyes. "Seriously what do you want?" Ok this girl needs to learn how to get to the damn point. "Cant I just talk to a person randomly because the last time I checked there was no law against it." WOW the amount of time she puts in coming up with these comebacks were to be put in her studies she would actually pass her subjects for once.

"Well not when that 'person' is you're 'ex'." I exclaimed adding air quotation marks. With that said I turned around and walked over to the back when something hit me I want to get close to Ashley which would be difficult considering that Josh hates me and we are rival teams, so that leaves me with one option Get Close To Josh and Matt Why? Oh well i'm glad you asked you see getting close to Josh means gaining his trust which means gaining Ashleys trust as for Matt he is the captain of the rival team if I become friends with him I would gain his teams trust. Its all about the trust so its what Im gonna do now Apologize to Josh the wuss. Here goes nothing. The things I do for... well not love but for getting a girl.


Ashley's P.O.V

Okay I need time to digest what the hell happened. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? HUH still not digested maybe if I scream louder -in my effed up head ofcourse- WHAT THE FUCKING HELL HAPPENED? Well even swearing didn't help. Now you must be thinking that Ashley has officially lost it. HAHA funny.....Not. Thats not funny i'm fully functional that was just a ummm a figure of speech thats right, thats what it was.

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