Its A New Day Its A New Dawn.

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Before ya'll go cussing I had my mid-terms and I would very much not like to fail them thats why I didnt updated.


As the previous few posts were very serious, depressing and sad I decided to lighten this chapter up and show how she is slowly going back to being the jolly Ashley by the help of a special someone. So please don't judge her for moving on. Its been 4 months people and like it has been said:

"Because things change, Friends leave and Life doesn't stop for anybody." -Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

That's right it doesn't stop for anyone. She lost some one whom she loved but it was time she moved on because she realized that life isn't going to stop for her it will keep on moving and so should she. Ashley is allowed to fall in love again, live again and be herself again because after all she has a whole life ahead of her so please no judging her for that.

Live life to the fullest.


4 months.

It had been 4 months since Josh died. I couldn't help feeling anything but sadness. I wouldn't go to sleep not because I didn't want to but because sleep never came to me. The one scene kept playing on loop in my head. My room became my safe haven. I would just sit in my dull room and stare at the photos and kept replaying memories of us.

All of my friends and family tried to cheer me up. Make me get out of the house for any reason other then school. My most exciting day in these past months has been walking to the grocery store to restore my stack of Ben and Jerrys or going to rent sappy sad movies. So many people tried to make me laugh and feel happiness but no one could that is except Thomas.

Guess he didn't change much from all those years back.

All those years which he doesn't remember.


He would come for staying the night..... he practically lived here. I poured out my heart to him while he would comfort me, he would tell me lame ass pick up lines and jokes which made me laugh....we would watch movies together while I balled my eyes out and used Thomas's shirts as my personal handkerchief. He was my only amusement during these past months and i'm grateful that he was there by me through out.

He was the one who finally after 4 months of pleading, striving and begging finally convinced me to start fresh. At first I down right rejected and screamed at him for such an idea.

But later that day the one quote Josh said to me kept going through my mind.

'You only get one life.It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.'

Why did he say that?

Because he wanted you to move on not sit there mourning like a dog you dumbass.

OK! no need to be rude stupid voice.

I'm stupid..... bitch please I was the only thing keeping you sane for the past 4 months.

Well..... Shit I cant argue with that.


I groaned and snuggled further in my pillows as my alarm blared out. "ASHLEY WAKE UP ASHLEY WAKE UP ASHLEY WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

--- Hold up that aint my alarm...bitch what?

I turned around to see Thomas's large figure towering over me instantly a sneaky smile fell over my face. I gestured for him to bring his head to my level, he raised his eyebrow in question but did as I said once he was near enough.....

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