My Life Is A God Damn Soap Opera Series

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"Ashley!" That word was enough for me to know who it was, I didn't even have to turn around.

"Oh Crap."

"Uhhh Ashley is that you?" I heard him say.

"Josh can you see who it is?" I whispered so only he could hear.
"You wouldn't want to know."

Slowly I turned around to see the person whom I least expected to see. How the hell does he even know where I live. What if he is a serial killer, a crazy stalker who came here to kidnap me?

Or he could be here for apologizing you dipshit.

But how does he know where I live.

Uhhhh maybe he asked your friends or something. Yea that must be it.

"Thomas? What are you doing here?" Omg please let it be a logical explaination please don't let a cute... I didnot just think that please tell me I didnot think that he is.... I cant even say the C word.

Oh come on he is cute. Look at his eyes, his jawline his...

Shut up shut up shut up he is none of that.

Dont lie to me Im the voice inside your head I can never be wrong.

You sound more like Bee.


Hmph fine maybe he is but just a teeny wenny bit.

"I just came here to give your purse back, you left it at the party." "Oh well thanks but how did you know I lived here." Shit I hope he didnt see my parents, not him. "Ohhh that I just asked Alexa."
That bitch is going down I will kill her.

"Yea ok." Wow Ashley just wow who says 'Yea ok', in my defence what was I supposed to do skip over to him and kiss him. No wrong I want to kiss the blonde guy next to me, who I was kissing but Thomas came and ruined it.

Is it wrong for a girl to ask for having a perfect first kiss. Well I guess it is because I cant have a perfect first kiss. "What is he doing here?" Thomas suddenly asks, shit he must have seen us kiss, well duh he is the one who broke you apart.

"I believe that is none of your concern." You think I said that uhhh no that was Josh. "I didnt ask you." Thomas sneers giving him a deadly death glare, I mean seriously of looks could kill Josh would be dead by now.

"You got a problem with me answering." Ok this is not good, I have been forced to see enough chick flicks to know that guys speaking in a tone which would make you want to crawl in a whole and die always ends up in hideous fights.

"I do now let her answer man!" Thomas took two strides and was infront of Josh. Now imagine a 5'10 or am I 5'7 -what ever- girl is standing inbetween to guys who are like 6'2 and those guys are literally in each others faces and the poor little girl is being crushed like a cucumber in a sandwich. Yeah it feels not good at all.

"Guys chill ou..." But ofcourse I get no say in this and I am abruptly cut off by Josh who is starting to resemble a red tomato, his fists clenshing so hard that his knuckles turned white, turning around I saw Thomas looking exactly te same.

They might as well beat the living crap out of each other and stop intimidating themselves and me.

"Step away." Josh whispers in a vicious tone. "And if I dont... What will you do about it?" "No no no Thomas stop challenging him and Josh dont react!" I try to sound bossy like I have everythig in control but it came out like more of a squeak.

"Dont test me bro." "Oh but I will." And then everything past in a blur it felt like the air was knocked out of me like literally. No I wasnt punched, Josh was, straight in the stomach which he now is clutching bending down and Thomas is standing there his chest puffing up and down, he is looking freaking boiling red. What the fuck just happened?

I dont know why but it felt like Im hurting. Cheesy I know but it was true it was like I reciened a blow in the stomach. Quickly I sat down to be at the same he level as Josh, I grabbed his neck and tilted his head up so he could look straight into my eyes.

"Are you ok? Josh are you fine?" He groaned that is all he did after a few minutes of us just staring into each others eyes, I moved my hands to cup his face and rested my forehead on his. It hurts me to see him in pain even if it was just one punch it was really painful.

"Im sorry this is because of me Im really sorry." I whispered and before I knew it a small tear escapes my eye and rolled down my cheeks. His hands moved to cup my face and his eyes still staring into mine his thumb rubbed my cheek and wiped away my tear, and then he did something which melted my heart he smiled a genuine smile like he was happy to have found me.

Gathering up the courage I had, I stood up and turned to face Thomas. I was to tired to scream, I had enough shit happening right now like my mum and dad showing up after 5 years and are currently downstairs. "Get out Thomas." I said in a low growling tone, I was trembling trying to resist the urge to slap him.

"Im sorry I didnt mean to do that?" Ok thats it wtf did he mean by 'I didn't me a to do that' oh yeah your fist just accidently collided with Josh's stomach. God this guy really wants me to kill him.

"I said just go, I dont care if your sorry or not Ok."

"But your purse..."

"Oh screw the purse just go away and dont ever come back, ever since you came into my life it has been a piece of shit, so if you really are sorry and you want me to forgive you then just lose contact with me and go away from me." This time I couldnt control it, I lost all the patience I had. I screamed the lif eout of me , Im pretty sure our whole neighborhood heard.

"Ashley ...." "Just please leave." What is happening to me? Why am I crying? My life is a God damn soap opera series. No doubt.

Thomas muttered something under his breath turned around and left.

Should I call, No that wouldn't be good she would freak out

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