Authors Note And Recap

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Hi there :) I've had so much support and so many requests on Broken Angel for a sequel, but unfortunately, all I can offer is this little spin off. Creed decided that he needed much more than a one shot, because he seriously believes that I cannot tell his story in one chapter. He was right :P Damned Chimera...

So we went with a short story...maybe ten chapters or more, depending on how much he has to say ;) lol. It continues after the one shot with Brie, where they fought and he forgave her. Then he finds its not so easy to forgive himself :(

*Note* 1. If you didn't read Broken Angel first, you wont know any of these guys.

2. This is NOT a stand alone.

3. You may come across a talking cactus...say hello. He loves people ;)

4. Some of my creatures vary from the norm, so bear with them. They thrive on being different.

5. I would love to hear your thoughts. Vote and comment please and yes, drop me any ideas that you may like to see with this group of Supers :)

*Just to recap, in case you found this a while after reading the one shots...* it will serve as a prologue of sorts.

This next part is in Brie's POV as it was her one shot that introduced Creed :) Starts three weeks before Brie's birthday.


"You're my charge, so it is my right." Brie said with finality.

"And how the hell am I supposed to know if McKenna was the one for me? I already sent her packing, thinking that it was your stupid magic all along. That familiar bond I was talking about-I get it now. It's what I felt through you when you met Caleb. Thanks a lot."

She could have made it right, couldn't stand to see the wetness on his lashes. His eyes were glassy, heart thumping, and he wasn't even angry.

Just disappointed.

In her.

And that was worse.

He would have forgiven her at that point, if she'd just apologized. He'd always forgiven her before, and they'd fought over some dumb stuff, but this?

She should have called the girl and made it right as soon as he told her.

Made him understand...that it was her fear for him falling in the wrong hands that had begun this idiocy.

But she didn't.

He walked away, and she let him.

Thought he'd get over it, find McKenna again and make it right.

Follow his heart, like she wanted him to.

His very big heart.

The one that she broke.

Yes, she realized later. She'd done him in, and done it good. She willed him daily to listen to her. Picked out the thread that bound them and chewed holes in his brains trying to get him to hear her out. Him ignoring her was more painful than anything and the gaping hole his absence left was a hard gap to fill. She let him be. But she didn't apologize and he didn't ask for one. He'd never missed her birthday before. Maybe she wouldn't need to?

His family were known to be the firsts of everything. First Wolf and Vampire marriage. First Chimera. First to successfully bring together the Supers...

CREEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang