Chapter 5

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Hi...I hope this story is to your satisfaction so far. 

I wont keep you.  This is unedited as it stands, so if you find anything off, repeated, not making sense or silly, please let me know and I will fix it ;)

Please bear with me...its not all gloom and doom for this one, lol.  You may find that some character POVs repeat the same things already spoken, but just remember that as with real life, we are not always aware of what the next person's thoughts are, so we also sometimes ask the same questions they did ;)

Ok, that all being said, I do hope that you enjoy this one :)

Don't forget to vote and comment....Please and thank you in advance :D


"Hey, I don't have time for your stupid personality traits. All I want to know is where he is and what he did to my sister!" Frustration leaking through each word, he tapped the image on the screen and glared at the puny human. The guy was irritating the living shit out of him and although he didn't make a habit of beating up on defenceless mortals, this one was rubbing him the wrong damned way. Nate or whatever rolled his eyes, and his answering smirk grated on Bryce's very last nerve. Liam threw him a look of warning but it seemed that the little punk with the sucky attitude was pushing for trouble.

Very calmly, so calmly that Bryce actually had a fleeting thought of the guy's possible insanity, Nate or whatever sat his ass down on one of the swivel chairs and kicked out in a small half circle. When he came to rest again, he pointed to the screen, very blasé. "They went out. I don't know where or for how long. All I know is that my Boss came back and went straight to his office."

Liam crossed his arms and cocked his head waiting for him to elaborate.

"But I only know that after seeing this footage, obviously." He added when Liam grunted impatiently at the bald-faced lie. "I was otherwise engaged that night." The off handed gesture that came with his reply was followed by a glint of mischief in his eyes.

The charming grin reminded him of Roark, but he huffed away the similarity and decided on the direct route.

"Call him." Bryce ordered.

"He's busy."

"Human or Super, it ain't past his bedtime, I can guarantee you. If your 'Boss' has balls enough to mess with an innocent young girl and destroy her very life, he should have the damned guts to face up to it when shit comes calling! So I won't ask you again. Call. Him. Now." Bryce watched a myriad of emotions pass across the guys face, but there was also fierce resolve there too.  He couldn't help but admire his strength and fortitude. He was loyal to a fault, the bloody fool.

Before Liam could intercept him, he had Nate or whatever in a one handed chokehold. He came off the chair easily, offering no resistance at the sudden change in altitude, expensive shoes catching the light as his feet dangled in the air momentarily before Bryce back slammed him onto the table top, sending half the expensive gadgets flying.

Nate or whatever's eyes went wide with distress and Bryce felt weak fingers grapple with his arms before a choked, "Son of a Bitch!" And a very odd reaction of, "Ow...ouch!"  that came sputtering through the lips of Nate's very red face. It was immediately followed by, "Loosen your grip a little, you friggn' tree trunk!"

Liam put an arm on his shoulder to pacify him, and he was about to comply when the guy in his grasp chuckled through his torment, the grappling hand turning into a tap to get his attention as he waved with the other to someone behind him.

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