Chapter 19

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Ok...I'm ready for you guys to see this.

Who the hell am I kidding?   I'm not ready.  I'll never be ready (gasps*)  I'm having an out of body experience right now lol.  But please note that it was CREED himself who ordered me to go this route...

CREED: Yeah, go ahead...Blame it on the Chimera.

ME: Of course I will!  You asked me to do it moron!

CREED: That is not what I asked.  You never listen, you idiot! 

ME: Sighs*

CREED: I ...Ugh! never mind.  Let them decide. (smiles*)  Go ahead guys.  READ, vote and COMMENT!  Don't be shy, be honest.  Psst...she made errors.  Find them and laugh :P

ME: Cre...

CREED:  Have fun.  Later guys :)

A/N...Please forgive my lapse there.  Creed and I have something to discuss while you read. (grits teeth)*


Nothing had sounded right to her about this whole thing from the start. Nothing felt right either. From the moment that first cursed spell at the club went awry; she should have known there was something wrong. Seraphine had managed to slip under her radar and mess everything up and then continued to play with her emotional ties to this family. The Ancients had selected her for the part of head Necromancer, but not for being stupid. Heavens knew though, that she had been. These last few months had been hell on Creed. It had broken her heart every time she saw him. His pain then though, was nothing compared to the one he was feeling now. Worse still, she knew this was only the beginning. As soon as she figured out that Maym was behind this, and that he'd most probably been using Seraphine to do his dirty work, manipulating her to bring him back so he could exact his revenge, she knew that time would be of the essence. His first try would be to make contact with Angelo or Creed by using his link to them from his original DNA. He would try to influence either one of them, but between the two, his most likely target would be Creed.

Brie could feel McKenna struggling to grasp what was happening when she jumped onto the thread that linked her and Creed and tried to get a read. She would have commended the girl at another time for actually managing it, but now there was no time for that. She had not been wrong about her initial assessment. Not when both father and son had reacted to Maym's calling with such a sense of urgency that had had her scurrying to catch up. Brie did not like what she saw. Outwardly, she had tried her best to keep her face even, but internally, she was a mess of nerves. Her heart galloped. The glimpse she gleaned from both Chimeras had left her breathless with worry. Maym was on a murderous rampage to get to Creed. All he needed was a reply, and he'd pinpoint their location immediately. He could destroy them all in a blink if that happened and the kid was trying hard not to give in for their sake.

When Creed had come to her that first night, she should have done as her heart had guided. Should have called McKenna up and set things right for them, but that dumb pride of hers...

She and Bryce had to be the most prideful idiots in the room. It was too late now for should haves and would haves, too late for sorry and too damned late for fixing anything. Everything had blown up to Shitville and beyond, already. All they could do now was pick up the pieces and hope they'd fit together again.

But when did anything ever come easy for them?

The bathroom door opened and Creed went straight to McKenna, locking his arms around her and inhaling deeply. Although he hadn't made eye contact with anyone, hiding behind his hair with his head down, she could feel the depth of his pain. He wasn't blocking his thoughts to her anymore, but she could also feel the slight whirring from where he tried to protect McKenna from the worst of it. The girl winced with the impression of what he was seeing, but Brie had to force herself not to react to the horrendous scenes unfolding from Creed's mind and make it more difficult for him.

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