Chapter 16

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Yes!  I did it...another timely update :D  Keep your fingers crossed for me guys.  I could get this right, finally!! 

Sorry for the A/N, but I just wanted to thank you all for keeping up with me so patiently, and for all the support and kind words.  Those comments keep me motivated to keep on trying.  You all rock!!  Keep being awesome, and don't forget to vote and comment if you think the chapter deserves it ;)

*PS:  Unedited, so if you find anything not making sense or not falling into place, I'll be glad for your help :)

Dedicated to my awesome support system and good friend  Topper93                 


What the hell did she see in him? What did the fates see?

He didn't look all that special. A little scrawny in person, if you asked him. He'd seen him on the security feed a couple of weeks ago, and somehow his anger had made him seem much more menacing. Dark hair, dark eyes, medium build like his father. There was nothing Chimera-ish about him. Yeah, except for the fact that his parents were Rayne and Angelo, there was nothing Bryce could detect that held him in such high appeal. After they'd all come inside, he'd watched Duncan call Creed aside. Anger burned through his veins at the thought of their discussion. He knew he was being overly sensitive to it, but he couldn't help the ripple of betrayal that ran through him when he saw them together. Was he going to tell the rogue 'thank you'? Was he going to be 'friends' with the thief? Was he going to say 'well done?'"

None of those scenarios appealed to him. It irked him when Duncan had reached out and clasped Creed's forearm and Creed and returned it, both of them looking relieved that their choice hadn't been wrong. It irked him even more when the two of them turned to McKenna, his sweet, innocent McKenna, and smiled in unison.

And Bryce absolutely hated that his brother had chosen 'that' over them. That McKenna had...

There'd been no fear of repercussions from the brat. That's what ticked him off the most.

He'd called McKenna 'love' and 'sweetheart' and even 'baby' without any thought of who was within earshot. He took liberties with her, holding her hand, hugging her, kissing her on top of her head from time to time, and when she left his side his eyes never strayed far from her. Always bloody maintaining some kind of contact regardless of who was watching. Bryce could have smacked the smug right out of him when his little sister had responded to each of those endearments and gestures with an ease and confidence he hadn't seen in her in like, ever, if it wasn't for Alpha Zeke's silent warning of a slight eyebrow hitch towards Angelo.

His first thought was that he had no right to any of those things when it came to McKenna, but then Bryce supposed he did have a right, seeing as they chose to remain mates, but it still irritated the heck out of him. He let out a disgruntled sigh and leaned back into the overstuffed cushion on the couch. Terra found her way over and kissed his cheek, telling him to cool down. Hell, he didn't want to be cooled down. He just wanted to have his family together, alone, for a little bit even.

Where was his stability? One minute he felt like a drowning rat in a turbulent river. Then he'd turn and feel himself float along calmly. It was giving him whiplash. And he didn't even have to turn his head to get it.

Could you even get whiplash in your eyes? He thought it could be possible...after all, he had a headache, and one of those was so rare for Supers anyway.

Those absurd thoughts crossed his mind only to serve as a reminder of how strange everything was already. McKenna was back with them. As much as Bryce wanted her in his arms and close by, just to make sure his precious little sister was still alive and staying that way, he couldn't bring himself to reach out with that damned Chimera she was leaning into as if they were attached Siamese twins.

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