Chapter 12

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Hi :)  I know I'm a few days late to update this, but hey, at least it was a shorter wait ;)  This is unedited, so please point out errors if you find them and I will have them fixed :D

PS*  Not much happens's kinda like a filler to get the next chapter started.  And I introduce a new character as well.  Thank you to my friend F.E. for this one.  It's  all because of you ;)  lol.


"Answer the damned phone, idiot." He muttered, glaring at the clock. Stupid Creed. They were supposed to make contact tonight, and he'd been trying hourly since sundown for that call to go through, but still, all he got was a recorded message telling him that the person he'd dialled was not available. Maybe the next time he'd be lucky. He couldn't recall if Creed said he would call back or if it was the other way around, but he was getting impatient. Spike glanced up from his task of fluffing his spines and smoothing them out.

"Nothing?" Spike asked when Nate growled.

"No. Nothing." Nate agreed, watching the cactus go back to doing what he was with a small shrug.

When Creed had called the other night, Nate told him that Spike had recognized a woman as the one they suspected was behind everything. Creed had asked them to keep digging, which they'd both promised to continue doing. Then he'd told the two that Bryce wanted to come see Duncan as well. McKenna had been happy to hear that, hoping that they would make their peace. According to Creed, things were good on their side. Great actually. They were going to stick with the plan and return in a few days. But he was going to keep his ear to the ground for them until then. Every two days. That was the plan. Since he was limited to night snooping only, poor Spike had almost gotten in big trouble for the information they'd managed to find. And he had to admit that Spike had been an excellent ally thus far. He'd avoided Brie, steered clear of Rayne except for the occasional hug and kept his mouth shut. Yeah so it was a little suspicious and unusual behaviour for the cactus but he was good at playing hide n seek, so he hid and sought.

After all they'd done, he had a shitload to share with them. Two days' worth and that was more than he'd dreamed they'd find...

It was 11pm now...Maybe McKenna would be asleep, but Creed could go a few days without shuteye. Since he'd turned, Nate had spent most of his time here or at the castle. Except for the one night he'd managed to get into town, he'd had no more outings unsupervised. Marco and Lorena's parenting knew no bounds, but he'd noticed they were less vigilant if he mentioned staying at Angelo's. Hope had come by a few times since he'd gone Vampire. Her wolf had readily accepted his new scent since she'd been alright with his change from the start. Hope had offered to man the club for them without pay until Nate was allowed out on his own again and that had surprised him the most. She hated work, and even though she'd joined them there most of the time, her agenda was to have fun only. Vixen, their stand in manager for nights when they chose to be out instead of in was grateful for the added help. She was a vibrant, honey-haired shifter form Zeke's pack, the daughter of his beta and one excellent bouncer when she had to be. She got on well with all the Supers at the club and was a mean kind of controlled chaos. Well, that what Nate had deduced when they'd hired her after Hope brought her in. He'd tried to hit on her once and almost lost his arm. Apparently she was waiting for 'the one', and that wasn't him.

Go figure.

But they got along nicely now, and she was someone both he and Creed could trust to do the job. At least Hope would have her for company during the nights which would leave him free from entertaining her here and they wouldn't have to lie to her either.

CREEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon