Chapter 1

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PS*  Unedited, so point out anything that doesn't make sense :Here goes :)


Turning the phone face down, he pulled the pillow over his head and made sure his scream was muffled. The muted sounds of his frustration was abruptly halted when the doorbell rang. That was a ring there was no way he could avoid. Hair mussed and clothing wrinkled, Creed slid off the bed like he did when he was five, slithering down the length of it until his whole body poured out on one end, landing in an ungraceful heap. Nate was gonna kill him for ignoring his calls, but he'd understand. His head throbbed from tightening the mental block he so solidly placed between him and Brie, but she'd understand too. These days his mood remained dark, and his attitude sour. His head wasn't a place he'd be sharing anytime soon. It was too damned messed up inside. The continuous pings on his phone told him that his friend wasn't too happy at being ignored. Probably pissed off because he'd had to work while the whole family hung out together. He waited until the last ping before he breathed out again. The vice in his chest tightened and his mind continued to cloud. He sat there for a bit, leaning against the bed, listening to the sounds from below. He'd have to face everyone sooner or later, or they'd all just camp out in his room like the last time.

Stupid Nate for giving them that stupid idea. Nate... He'd met him in the city while out with his father years ago and now they ran Fahrenheit together. His dad had given the club to him on his eighteenth birthday and his best friend was the first person he'd employed. Hope refused to work or leave the pack house, but she was a free spirit like that. If it was the old times, she'd have been called a hippie. Nate lived just a block away from him in the city, but Creed hadn't checked in on the business in too long. Hadn't even been to the city in weeks.

He remembered the day he'd bumped into him. While his dad had done business, he'd slipped off into the alley chasing down a stray a cat for Hope and he'd brought home a stray Human instead. Nate had been orphaned when he was six, and had managed to successfully evade the system and live on the streets for two whole years before Creed found him. Heaven knew how the kid had survived, but he did. He was three years older than Creed, but still younger than Hope, making him the neutral-go-to person in their friendship. Both he and Hope relied heavily on Nate's easy going nature. He was afraid of nothing. Well nothing except being alone...and Malachi.

His father had brought Nate into the fold of their family, offering the boy a chance to live and learn, where he could thrive in the safety they provided. He'd become fast friends with Creed and Hope, and fitted in easily with the rest. Not wanting to scare him off, they'd all kept their other side a secret.

Until one day Colin insisted on letting Hope dress as a Vampire for a Halloween party at the house. Hope took it too far. She stole a blood-pack, which Creed helped with, and then proceeded to drink it all. The party ended terribly after that. She couldn't stomach the liquid and ended up upchucking all over the place. Red went in, red came out, and everyone forgot that Wolves are Supernatural and don't get sick. Pandemonium was too light a word to use. Even Hope panicked enough to send her wolf into a shift, and that's when Brie read Creed and told them what happened. While getting a good, sound talking to from their fathers, Colin, without thinking opened up the next blood-pack and started slurping, and by then Hope had calmed down enough to shift back and Brie cast clothes on her. They'd all forgotten for a moment that there was a very Human child among them that night. Watching...And he was thrilled, to say the least. When he'd found out they were Supers, his reaction had even the adults laughing. Nate was ten then, but he'd clapped so hard, wide eyed, murmuring 'cool and awesome and can I be one too'. He was almost there now.

Marco and Lorena had 'adopted' him when he was just over ten years old. Nate once said that Lorena reminded him of his mom. Lorena had hung around him a lot, feeling drawn to the little boy. She needed to fill the missing piece of her heart after losing Sabin, and then she noticed that Nate had these blues, she called them. Just like Sabin.

CREEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon