Chapter 3

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Hi, hello, welcome back :D

Please note, this is unedited...and going much faster than I anticipated...Damn you Creed, hogging all my time you naughty Chimera you!!

Thank you all for the awesome rock!!

Please vote and comment...I would love to hear your thoughts on this ;)


"Sweetie, stop. Breathe." He coached, gently curling his fingers around Rayne's writs and halting her actions. Angelo sought eye contact. "You promised Zeke and Dalia ages ago so you can't back out. Besides, Brie will be here any minute now, and you know how much she loves to be kept waiting."

Rayne groaned and pulled herself towards him, seeking solace in his arms. She'd changed thrice, and almost changed her plans as well, too worried about their son to decide who needed her more. He'd taken off at around two am, after returning from his 'swim' with Hope. Creed just mentioned calling Nate and then he'd disappeared. With the way he was behaving lately, her maternal instincts had been put through the wringer. She'd tried and failed numerous times not to hover, to give him the space he begged for, had mentioned over and over again, that she would rather have had his antics to deal with than this shell of a child she now called son.

"He's my baby, no matter how old he gets." She murmured with her face pressed against his chest, and Angelo hugged her back tightly.

'He asks for space, and we give it.' Rayne thought to Angelo. 'But are we making him hurt more than he should by not stepping in?'

Angelo was silent for a moment, seeking solace from Rayne. He'd asked himself the same thing every day for the last few months.

Without letting anyone in on it, he'd called for Malachi, who'd only reinforced his speculation by remaining more or less silent on the subject. No amount of threats or cursing were enough to sway the Ancient. He was adamant that the little Chimera see this through. His test, like his father's would determine his place in this world and his strength and standing would only come from his handling the situation as it came to him. Angelo was to ride the wave on this, and allow his son to grow into his own person, only curbing danger when it was dire.

'Battle lines will be drawn', he'd said. That was enough to tell him that the shit Creed was dealing with would be life changing, as much as life threatening. He was beyond pissed at the old geyser, and even more so at himself.

How could he be trusted to help his people when he couldn't even help his son?

Angelo inhaled Rayne's scent and let the anger inside him subside. 'Nate said that Creed insisted on calling the Alpha over tonight. So, I'll go, and I'll keep an eye out for our boy.'  He brought his lips to the top of her head and smiled, speaking aloud. "And you, my beautiful wife, go make nice with the wolves at the pack-house."

"Come on, let go of each other already. It's only for a couple of hours." Brie grinned, walking in on them. Her smile faltered when she caught the impression of their thoughts and Angelo sent out a silent warning, urging her not to bring it up.

"You ready, Rayne?" She asked quickly.

By order of the Ancient two, Brie had been instructed to keep out of the Creed issue after it had blown up in her face. She could not locate the girl, nor could she interfere. When the time came to say her piece, she would be allowed that, but everything else would be out of her hands. She'd been chastised, told that she'd done enough already, both by him and the Ancients. He thought it best not to rub that in. She was, after-all, Brie.

CREEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat