Chapter 10

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Hey peeps :)  Not much happens in this one...its kind of reflective and a filler.  Some humour to lull you into a false sense of calm right before I toss you into the storm haha :P  It should tide you over until my next update :D 

Hope you guys enjoy this not-so-very-long-as-the-others chapter :) 

I appreciate your endless support and do hope to see some votes, comments and shares :D

PS* Unedited...I literally squeezed the time out of my days to write this, so if you find anything off or not making know what to do :D


McKenna accepted Creed's heartfelt embrace and squeezed him back tightly. Nate thought it looked like she was holding him together, trying to keep him from falling apart. He hadn't expected him to crash the way he'd done after linking with Spike. If Nate had a living heart, it would have beat itself to death from the stress of watching him so unresponsive. Creed had always used magic, even when they were little. He was a Chimera, for crying out loud! There was no winning at hide and seek, no telling when he'd appear or disappear, and though he was sure Creed never forced his way into his mind, there were times he wished he could read Creed just to know what went on in that head of his. Regardless, they'd always had an easy understanding between them. He had no idea where he would have ended up if it wasn't for his best friend. His brother...

He sighed, going upstairs to his room and settling near the window leaving Spike alone with the remote and the TV turned on. Channels flicked by too fast to catch anything, but Spike seemed to be enjoying himself. He cast his eyes on the street below and drew them out slowly towards the horizon, seeing much further than before, finding that it was just as beautiful as in the daytime. Even the stars seemed within reach, circling the huge silver smile in the sky, the reflection dancing like precious stones on the dark water. He may never stand in the warmth of the sun again, but damn, the moonlight had its perks too. Spike had promised not to say anything when they returned, and that was all they could ask for right now. He could still hear Creed and McKenna. They'd gone into the spare room and were talking quietly. What was done; was done. At least now they had an idea of what was going on and who they were looking out for.

Living with Supers for most of his life, he'd come to realize that they were not much different from Humans. They loved and laughed, were fiercely protective and deeply affected by each other's pain. But he also learned that when every sense in your body sharpens, then every feeling becomes more intense. He'd been Human until a week ago and his adjustment had been a quick one. Yes, the initial moment when it happened hadn't been the most pleasant experience he'd had, but hey, every day isn't your day. Even though they'd given him a play-by-play, nothing could have prepared him for the real thing.

Lorena had cautioned him that there would be no going back, that once he started the turn there was no way to reverse it. They didn't lie about it being painful. They just didn't mention that the pain would be excruciating...

Said he'd need to be brave...Not that he'd be playing catch without a fire extinguisher while the blazes of hell were at his heels!

They did warn him that there may be a slight mental scar left over when he woke, but that he'd still be himself. Only stronger. Sharper.

And Undead...

They just didn't tell him that mental was a mild way of putting it when he had to deal with Creed.

He'd planned for this a long time. Would never regret this decision. Nate had no butterflies or doubts. Right from the start, he'd had been sure of where he wanted to be. Unlike them, he'd been steadily growing older in appearance. Twenty six was a great age to freeze at. His body was at its peak, mature enough to withstand scrutiny and young enough to attract the honey. But as ripped as his physique was, it was also feeble compared to the rest of his family and he needed this to be able to fight alongside them.

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