Chapter 13

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Hi :)  I was feeling generous so I decided to upload this one quickly :D  I hope you all enjoy it. 

I'm trying to tie everything in as quickly as possible, but as usual with these guys, they never let me write what I want...Where I start in my mind is never where I find myself at the end of the chapter.  Please forgive me for the dance around :P

PS* Unedited, so please point out errors and I will have them fixed Xxx


Duncan and Bryce had gotten off to a slow start. After a few minutes in, when he still hadn't detected any threats, Angelo relaxed a bit. Zeke and Colin leaned back against the hallway walls across from each other, arms folded over their chests, listening intently for any signs of distress. Duncan's tone was even, sometimes quiet or resigned but Bryce exploded once or twice, making the Alpha and King straighten up and tense in anticipation of an intervention. Angelo gestured for them both to stay put and they did, but they still held their positions, like two bodyguards waiting for a signal. He smirked inwardly. Zeke and Colin bickered like an old married couple every single time they met, but they were always on the same page when it came to someone they cared for. Duncan, without even trying, had managed to win them both over and now it was difficult for them to leave their new friend unprotected. That's what he loved about this family. Once you got in, you always had someone at your back no matter what. They never allowed the next one to fall, and if that one still insisted on falling, they would gladly lay themselves in that person's path to save them from the hurt.

There was a loud crack, the echo of flesh against wood like a sudden thunderclap and Bryce's voice rose, accusing his brother of betrayal, of failing them. Both Zeke and Colin shuffled uneasily on the spot, drawn towards the sounds coming from the study.

The brothers continued talking in a more easy tone after that, and they breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Angelo distracted them for a moment, garnering their attention.

'What?'  Zeke mouthed.

Angelo held his closed fist up to his shoulder, thumb pointing at the closed door. "Sounds positive in there."  He said quietly.

Colin's lips rounded in a 'so?'

'I'm gonna go get the others.'  He told them with a small eye roll.

'The women? Are you trying to avoid trouble or cause it?'  Colin whispered, barely audible but filled with disgust.

Angelo gave Zeke a 'seriously' look.  'Duncan's family, King Kong.  Pay attention.'

Colin reared forward but Zeke held him back. One scowled while the other grinned as Angelo and the Vamp faced each other.

'Handle this decently.'  He told them both, backing away silently.  'We'll get the girls later.'

Both of them followed behind him until they reached the end of the hall.

'What aren't you telling us?'  Zeke asked him, his gaze penetrating.

Angelo hesitated, and then tried to explain what he was feeling as quickly and accurately as he could.  'It's a gut feeling, but something feels odd whenever I think about all this. Someone had to have had a hand in orchestrating everything. It's too whack to fall in the realm of normal. From Brie making the first blunder to, this huge tear in Duncan's family and Creed and McKenna hiding out this long...we missed something important. I feel I have to get them here. There's not safe...'

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