Chapter 8

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Hey people :D Me again...Aren't I awesome with my updates? ;)

This one is just Creed and McKenna's perspectives. Its a light chapter, just to get our young couple a chance to regroup and get to know each other. I do hope that you like it :D

PS* Unedited as usual. Please point out errors and I will fix them :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and thank you in advance for your support Xxx


Creed was lying lengthways on the couch, arms folded behind his head, feet hanging off the side as his eyes followed her every move. There was warmth wherever his gaze lingered and McKenna revelled in the feeling it gave her. Hope's knee-length tunics had become her new best friends. The colours were wild but so refreshing and the cool fabric was comfortable against her skin. The white and silver one she'd donned this morning really brought out the colour in her hair and eyes, making Creed do a double take. Or maybe it was the drawstring around the waist that she finally dared to tie. It was what landed him on the couch in the first place with a promise of his best behaviour. He'd kept pulling her into his arms and dragging her back to bed. She hadn't felt beautiful in a long time, but he made sure to tell her every day. To show her...They hadn't mated yet, but Creed was delightfully playful and quite adept at keeping her occupied.

He hummed quietly. "Need some help?"

"For the hundredth time, I got this." She shook her head, smiled and finished the dressing, popping it in the fridge.

It thrilled her to have him so close by. Just a few shorts steps away to be honest. And a few shorts steps away from becoming one... His kisses were always making her beg for more but he was careful with her until he was sure she regained her strength. He wasn't pushing.

And McKenna secretly wished he would. She ached to wear his mark. To tie her soul to his permanently. Though they were bound in other ways, she still felt incomplete.

Some guy growled, got very angry, turned green and grew massive on the wall mounted TV, scaring all the little people away, but Creed only had eyes for her as the forgotten action movie continued to flash in the background, muted. It was good to see him relaxed for a change, instead of all over the place at once. McKenna had noticed that every now and then there was a look of sadness that would pass across his face, especially when he thought she wasn't paying attention, eyes darkening with thoughts from the past, but then she'd snag his attention and he'd refocus; adoration and awe replacing it. Getting him to keep his hands to himself was a chore. He was a busy body if she ever saw one, always in motion, even now, the striped colourful socks at the ends of his feet were tapping a silent beat as they dangled off the side.

Rising up on tip-toes, she reached for the canned peach at the back of the shelf. "Stay put, I can reach it!"

There was a shuffle, a groan and another shuffle followed immediately after. McKenna turned in time to see him straighten his scowl and lean back again.

"I could open that..." He offered anyway, and she couldn't help grinning at him.

"I promised you wouldn't have to lift a finger for this meal unless it's to eat it. That's forgetting the table setting, because you snuck that in while I was putting in the movie for you."

Creed chuckled. "Because we usually eat on the couch." Making himself comfortable again, he answered. "And you mentioned eating at the table."

She found it sweet, that he was so attentive to her, so gentle and caring. It had helped break her out of the misery that had suffocated her for so long. She felt better every day, alive, happy. Everything she never thought she'd be again. She still had no magic, but she was quickly regaining her health, and that was enough for now. McKenna felt so energetic this morning that she had forced him to accept her offer of a decent home cooked meal, which was what she was busy preparing right then. Finally looking forward to actually eating after the all this time, the spice and aroma of the roasting meat and vegetables that she had craved for months had her mouth watering in anticipation. She'd even decided on dessert.

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