Chapter 2

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I walked to ELA class with Ivah. MOST BORING MORNING EVER. I felt miserable and like a fool.
"Just talk to him. It's not that hard. You're talking to me right now." Said Ivah
"But this is different. I'm talking to you easily 'cause you're my best friend and I feel more comfortable and relieved. But Zach is different. Like I can't"
"Come on girl I know you can do it!"
-------4th period-------
Ugh this day is taking forever! And it's still 10:00! Me and Ivah walked to band and met up with our other best friend, Sandra.
Sandra is the kind of girl who is active sometimes, but she could look tired also.
"Hey Sandra! " I said.
We got our music and instruments set up. Wait, where is one of my music sheets. I go over to my music folder slot in the back of the room. There's nothing there! Shit! Where is it. I look around the room.
"Looking for something?" Said someone.
"Yes, Zach it's quite obvious. Have you seen my music?" I asked hopefully
"Oh like this one?" Zach held up a music sheet...IT WAS MINE!
"Could I have it back."
But instead of giving it to me, he freaking held it up high where I couldn't reach at all. But I still tried. I reached up my arm and tripped forward. Almost falling onto Zach. We stared at each other for a long time. His dark deep brown eyes stared into mine. I felt so light. He started to smile. Then he handed me my music.
"Here you go." He said with the same smile that he gave me this morning.
I went back to my seat blushing so much
"Ooooooooo girllll!!!!" Said Ivah.

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