Chapter 8

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Six months later

Lyla's POV

"Zach!" I was walking home 'cause I recently moved closer to school.
I ran over to Zach and jumped on him. My arms wrapped around his neck.
"Woah!" We both fell on the grass laughing.
"Are you okay!" Asked Zach grinning.
"YAH I'm fine!" He got up and held out his hand to help me up. I took it.
"HAPPY HALF YEAR ANNIVERSARY!" Zach said hugging me.
I started to laugh. "Zach. That was like the 20th time you said that in total today.But I appreciate it."
"Actually it was 19 times today!"
I laughed and kissed his cheek. He frowned.
"Ugh fine." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Thats better." Zach said smirking
We walked home together.
"So why don't you go home to change?"
I looked at him weird. "Change? Why?"
"Because I planned out something for tonight."
I crossed my arms and huffed. "Well what are we going to do?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"I can't say yet." Said Zach smirking.
"Zach! I need to know what we're going to do to see what to wear!"
"Just wear something like fancy but casual. I guess."

------at house------

I went through my closet. Hmm casual and cute.
After what seemed like... I don't know.... two hours!
I finally picked out a cute outfit. I felt proud!
It looked like this. I didnt really wanna wear sunglasses so exclude that porfavor.

I looked at myself in the mirror

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I looked at myself in the mirror. Where could Zach be taking me? I wondered.
I went downstairs. Both of my parents were at work.
I opened the door and there was Zach.
"Are you- woah. You look beautiful."
I blushed so much. Six freaking months and I still blush from this guy.
"Thanks. So where are we going?"
"I can't say yet."
We walked to wherever he was taking me. We turned around the block and he covered my eyes.
"Zach! What are you doing!"
"It's fine!"
He lead me to somewhere.
"Ok turn around. Wait no not all the way. Like half way."
He uncovered my eyes and put his hands around my waist.
I looked infront of me. There infront of my eyes was a cute fancy resturant.
I gasped.
"Aw Zach. This is so sweet!"
I held onto his hands still around my waist.
We walked in and took a seat at a table that had roses.
"Um. Zach. I think this table is reserved."
"It is." Said Zach.
I looked at him confused.
"Reserved for us, Beautiful."
I blushed.
"Omg. Thank you so much, Cutie!"
I reached over to kiss him.
"Lyla. I lo-"
"Hi welcome to Foodle. Im your waitress Max. Would you like to take your order?"
I sat back down on my seat. Ugh they just had to interrupt at this moment.
We ordered our food. But the whole time out waiter just stated at me with a HUGE smile.
Zach finished ordering his food. Max still didnt leave. He wrote it down and stared at me. He still didnt leave!
Zach noticed this.
"Stop looking at her and get our order!" Zach snapped.
I giggled.
"Oh. Um yes sir. Sorry." Said Max. He winked at me and walked away.
I made a disgusted face.
Zach looked at his hands as if they were so exotic.
"Thanks." I reached over and put my hands over his.
He started to smile.
"He's not stealing my girl!"
I laughed.
"I wouldn't let him."
After like 20 minutes of waiting for our food, Max came back with our food.
He handed the plate to Zach.
"Here you go."
Zach rolled his eyes and grunted.
He's so cute when he's mad.
"And here you go beautiful."
I gasped. And then giggled.
Zach got up from his seat. "Stop freaking flirting with my girlfriend you dumb shįt!"
"Zach! Calm down please."
Zach sat back down.
"My apologies." Max said nervously.
He handed me my plate that he almost dropped and handed me a paper.
Then he left.
I got the paper. It said:

I know you're on a date but you're so beautiful i cant help myself. Here's my number to call me if you want to meet up anytime.

I rolled up the paper.
"What does it say?" Asked Zach viciously.
"Nothing." The paper was a ball.
We finished up our dinner peacefully.
"Are you two done?" Asked Max.
"Yes thank you."
We payed for our dinner and headed to the door.
"Wait!" I said. "Max!"
Max turned around smiling.
"I'll be sure to use the paper."
I could feel Zach glaring at me.
"To throw it at you" i continued.
I got the paper ball from my pocket and threw it at his face. The other employes in the kitchen started laughing.
He stared at me in shock.
Zach started laughing and put his arms around my waste.
We left the resturant laughing.
"Thanks, Gorgeous. I actually thought you were serious."
"Ew no. I wouldnt do that to you either.
He kissed me. We walked together to our houses. Me with my head on his shoulder and him with his arm around my waste.
Wow he seemed jealous today. I love him a lot.


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