Chapter 6

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The picture above is Ivah

"HE KISSED YOU!" Screamed Sandra!
"YAH I SAW THE WHOLE THING!" Exclaimed Ivah.
I started blushing. "Yeah and he called my cute and a bunch of other nice things."
"Wow. You got your first real kiss before me!" Said Sandra.
I started laughing. "He tried it again but someone," I said eyeing Ivah "interrupted us!" I started giggling.

-------at my locker-------

I got startled and slammed the back of my head on the lockers. "AH DAMN THIS FREAKING LOCKER!" I yelled rubbing the back of my head.
I turned around and saw Zach.
"IM SORRY I DID NOT MEAN FOR YOU TO GET HURT!" Zach rubbed the back of my head.
"No I'm fine." I said laughing.
"Sorry again. Do you wanna hang out again after school?"
"Sure. Let me just text my mom."

Me: hey mom. School is dismissed but can I hang out with Zach. I'll text you what time to pick me up.
Mom: sure have fun with your boyfriend sweety!
Me: mom! He isn't my boyfriend!
Mom: not yet at least!

------at his place------

"My dog really loves you."
"Not a suprise. I'm lovable." I said smirking.
"I know. I mean uh..." Zach started blushing.
I started laughing.
"Wanna go outside? I have a trampoline. "
I gasped! "YES!"
We ran outside and jumped.
Then we sat down and talked and talked and talked and, well you get the point.
At one point I got up.
"I'm jumping."
Zach got up. "I can jump higher."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."
Thennnnn.... Zach tripped and fell on top of me.
I started laughing. Then I noticed that he was on top of me. I stared at him and stopped laughing. I never realized there was a twinkle in his eyes even when he wasn't facing at a light.

Zach's POV:

We were having a great time until I was being the clumsy me and fell on top of Lyla. She was laughing a lot. Then she opened her eyes and stopped laughing. Oh I wasn't laughing. I was just staring at her beautiful face.
She stared back at me. OK this was my moment to kiss her again. As long as no one is here to like disrupt us.
I stared at her and then her lips. She started to smile. I leaned down. I kissed her and gently pulled away. She was smiling but didn't look happy that I stopped.

Lyla's POV:

I swear I'm dreaming now. It was all so gentle. He pulled away and I furrowed my eyebrows. But then I smiled again.
"We finally kissed again without being disrupted." Said Zach laughing.
Ugh! I just wanted to kiss him again!!!!
Zach got up and took out his arm to pull me up. I took it. He lifted me up but then I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. EVEN LONGER. he held his arms around my waist. I let go. And blushed sooo much.
"Woah. Um I should call my mom to pick me up." He let go of me. He got of the trampoline and held out his hand to help me. We walked to the front of his house holding hands.
"OK so my mom should come like any minute now." I informed.
"Oh ok. Um one more?"
I giggled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I turned around facing the street as he looked at the back of my head.
He started to laugh. "Really!"
I turned around and put my hand behind his neck and kissed him one more time. I didn't realize it took so long actually. Because then


I started to laugh. "Bye Zach!"
"Bye see ya tomorrow."
I headed to the car and got in passenger. Mom stared at me while I put on my seatbelt.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you sure you guys aren't dating? 'Cause it sure looks like you are." Said mom giggling.
"No like he hasn't asked me yet."
"I bet you he will by the end of tomorrow." Mom said with a smirk
I rolled my eyes and giggled.

LONGEST CHAPTER THAT I HAVE EVER WROTE. PHEW MY HANDS ARE TIRED. Anywayssss, hope you enjoyed! Maybe mom will be right!

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