Chapter 12

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The photo above is actually a new character in the book. fan_fic_lover1 Gave me the idea for this. Thanks! <3
Okay lets get to the chapter. ENJOYYYYY.

Lyla's POV

Two years later

"Zach! Hurry up!"
"Ugh im coming. Gosh!"
"Escuse me mister! Dont talk to me like that!"
Zach finished and came towards me. I still had my arms crossed over my chest. I huffed.
He put his hand on my arm. My heart pace quickened for some reason. I leaned in.
"Lets go, gorgeous!" He interupted.
I groan. "Zaaaaach!"
"Sorry." He gave me a quick kiss.
"Its fine, cutie. But where are we going?" I question.
"Date night, babe!"
"Oh! Ok. Looking forward to it!"
He holds my hand and we exit his house.
I stop and go back in his house.
"Bye Linda!"
"Bye Lyla!"
Linda is Zach's  mother. Zach doesnt really know his dad because he left when he was born.
I went back out. Zach was smiling at me. He held out his hand for me to take. We walked to were he was taking me. The same resturant as last time. I look at him doubtful.
"Max got fired. Its okay." Zach said smiling.
We went inside and took a seat and waited for the waitress. I thought to myself. Why is a waitress called a waitress when we are the ones waiting?
It seemed like 20 minutes till someone came.
"There are people waiting! GO!" Someone in the kitchen yelled. Me and Zach stared at each other.
" I apologize for the wait. So, im your waitress, Davina, and I'll be serving you tonight. What would you like ma'am?"
"Davina?"  Questioned Zach
"I know. Its a really bad name. So i tell people to call me Ina."
"No its a pretty name. It's just..."  Zach stopped talking.
"Zach are you okay?"  I said worried.
"Zach?" Questioned Davina.
What is going on?!
"I have a sister that I've never met and her name was Davina. Thats all i know about her."  Zach replied.
"Well i had a brother named Zach that i never met before. His name is all i know. What your mother's name?"
"Her name is Linda." Zach said slowly.
Tears started rolling down her cheek. She leaned in Zach and gave him a hug.
"Y-your m-y br-brother!" Davina said through her tears.
Zach started crying as well. "How's father?" He asked
"F-father is really sick. Im only working here because i need the money to help him."
"Are you good at it?" I asked finally.
"Where are my manners! Who might you be?" Davina asked.
I smiled. "My names Lyla."
"Im Davina call me Ina."
I smiled again.
I looked at Zach. He was still freaking out.
"I-i met my twin sister." He mumbled silently. "Lyla! I met my twin sister! For the first time!"
Both of them teared up.

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