Chapter 10

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Lyla's POV

The rest of my day was terrible. Zach is usually in all my afternoon classes and it was so hard seeing him without tearing up.
Finally school ended and i could go home and just eat. (When im sad, i usually just eat).
I started walking home.
I kept going even when Zach started calling my name.
I still continued walking like i wasnt listening, but tears started stinging my eyes.
I could feel him walking faster to me.
I started quickening my pace. Then i noticed that i was running and crying at the same time. I got to my house, opened the door and walked in. Zach was still behind me.
I slammed the door shut and locked it. I stood with my back on the door and slid down and put my face in my knees.
I looked up. My mom kneeled down in front of me. She saw my crying face and hugged me.
"Wha- what happened?!" She looked like she would even cry.
Tears rolled down my face. One after the other.
"I-i- Zach- Sandra- ki- kissing!" I said crying.
My mom looked at me. And then hugged me close.
"Im so sorry sweetheart!" She held me into her arms and allowed me to put my face on her shoulder. This made me remember when i would cry in mom's arm because of storms. She would rock me in her arms and stroke my hair peacefully. Letting me cry on her.
"It hurts mom."
"I know. I know. How about you go up to your room and ill get you some ice cream and we can talk."
I smiled at the thought of that. My mom always knew what to do when i was sad.
I went up to my room.
I took off my shoes and layed down on my bed.
My phone ringed. I was hoping it wasnt Zach. And it wasnt.
It was Ivah.
"LYLA. Are you okay!!"
"Stupid sandra! Why did we trust her!"
I cried at that.
"Im going to rest. But thanks for caring Ivah."
"Ok bye Lyla. "
I hung up.
Why am i crying over some guy? You may ask.
Well because i loved him. But my heart broke.
The doorbell rung.
I ran downstairs and opened the door.
I was about to throw myself at my dad. But it wasn't my dad.
"Zach just leave!"
"No. Lyla just hear me out! Please." Zach looked like he was also crying.
"Look. San-"
A car door closed. I looked at the car. Dad. Yes!
"Hi dad."
"Hello sweetheart. Hi Zach. Wha- what happened. " He saw my face and then at Zach's. It was clear that both of us have been crying. And i also wasn't letting him in the house.
"Good afternoon, sir."
"William! Inside the house."
I jumped a little by the voice of my mom.
"Ok." My dad got in the house.
"Lyla go to your room."
I followed my mom's order. I went up the stairs but stopped there.
"Zach. I think you should leave. Lyla is not in the mood to talk to anyone. Especially you." Mom said sternly.
"Ma'm please! I need to explain myself." I could here Zach crying.
"There isn't much explaining to do!" My mom said raising her voice
"Yes there is. Please."
"My daughter is hurt. Her heart was crushed.. by you."
"No!" I flinched. Damn mom.
The door closed and i quietly walked to my room. What did he want to tell me. I sat down on my bed. And stared outside the window. I walked over to the door that led to the patio and walked to the railing. A fresh breeze hit my breath. I took a deep breath.

Zach's POV

Lyla's mom slammed the door at me. I walked back to my house. Why cant she just listen!
I kicked a rock viciously in frustration.
Wait. I have a plan. I just hope it works...


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