Chapter 5

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@I found pictures that seem to match lylas and Zach. I can find picture that match with Ivah and Sandra.

"He asked you to hang out!"said Sandra.
"Yea but i said tomorrow."
"Oh. You should've just let him come today."
I thought to myself. Maybe i should have. It won't hurt. But it's to late now.
-----Next day after school-----
"Hey Lyla!"
"Oh hey" i replied.
I was getting my stuff from my locker and didn't realize Zach was here.
"Do you just wanna walk around town. We can leave our stuff at my house." Requested Zach.
We walked to his house laughing and saying stupid stuff. We arrived at his house. He opened the door and once he did, a small fluffy white dog came running to the door.
"Omg it's so cute and fluffy!" I said.
I looked over my shoulder. I didn't realize that Zach was looking at me laughing. "Whats so funny mister!" I said faking to be mad.
"Nothing!" He said trying to keep a straight face. He looked too cute trying.
"His name is Snowball."
"Wow im in love now!" I said scratching Snowball's stomach.
"Hey Snowball stop!" Zach sad pretending to be infuriated.
I started to laugh. "Why. Are you jealous?"
"No. Come on lets go out walking. I have to give this little furball a walk."
We exited the house. We walked side by side, our arms touching as we walked. We laughed and talked. We... wow that's a lot of "we." Whatever the point is that Zach and I were having a good time.
"Wanna go eat ice cream?" Asked Zach.
"Sure but I don't have money. I'm broke af."
"No problem. My treat!"
We arrived at the ice cream shop. I stayed outside with Snowball because "no pets allowed." I hate signs that say that. But at least their were tables outside.
Zach came out with two cups of ice cream.
"Here you go ma lady. Here with your uh... ice cream!"
I laugh and grab my ice cream. "Thank you!" I look at the flaver. Cookies and cream. How did he know!
"You chose my favorite flavor!"
"Cookies and cream is my favorite."
I bent down to pick up Snowball. "He is so cute!"
"The girl holding her now is too." Said Zach smiling.
I started blushing like crazy. "Thanks you. That was a really nice thing to say."
"Surely you have been told that before" Zach said.
"To be honest, not much." I said awkwardly.
"Oh well then those guys are jerks 'cause you are"
"Are what..." I said with a smirk.
"You are cute." Zach said. But he didn't stop there. "And friendly, funny, beautiful, caring, kind, extraordinary, and and... a bunch of other good things that I can't think of!" He took a breath.
I stayed speechless. "Wow. Thanks again."
We walked to his house. He opened the door. I put down Snowball so that he can run around.
"When are you going home?" Asked Zach.
"I don't know I should text her." I took out my phone to text my mom.
"She said she'll be here here soon. "I said.
"We should wait outside on the steps."
We sat down on the steps. We asked each other random questions.
"Hmm first... kiss." I said smirking.
Zach leaned in to me. He put his hand through my hair and kissed me!
"My first kiss was just 3 seconds ago with the most beautiful girl ever." Zach said smirking.
"Really!?" I said blushing. "I'm suprised Zach. A guy as cute as you! I don't believe it."
He leaned in again.
Zach looked around. "Oh hey Ivah. Um like how long were you there?"
"Boy, ever since you guys step foot outside." Said Ivah giggling.
"What the hell Ivah! We were in the middle of something!" I said giggling.
"Oh ok! I'll go." Ivah went back inside her house squealing.
Honestly she was more excited than me!
Zach looked back at me and started again. He leaned in and than-


Zach looked down and sighed. I started laughing.
"Hey mom." I said. "See ya tomorrow Zach."
I bent down to him and kissed his cheek. He smiled up at me.
"See ya tomorrow, gorgeous. "
I went to the car and got inside.
"Hi Lyla." Greeted mom.
"Hey mom!"
I forgot mom was there and she just saw me kiss Zach on the cheek!
"You looked like you had fun."
"Ugh mom. No. I mean yeah I did have fun. But we were just hanging out." I said grinning.
"Sure." Mom said rolling her eyes.

Oooo Lyla and Zach! Zyla! !
Hope you enjoyed!

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