Chapter 14

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Lyla's POV

YAYYYYYYYYYYY! Today is my 18th birthday!!! 
I woke up from the a FaceTime call from Ivah. She said she was coming by for my birthday later! Honestly, she is the best. Then Zach came an hour later with a big hug and a kiss. Also some flowers and a box of chocolates. Yas!
After we like made out in the kitchen (btw, best ever from Zach) he had to leave cause his dad and sister wanted to meet up.
So he kissed me again and left. I went upstairs and went to see my mom.
"Hey mom!"
"Happy birthday sweetie! Dad left this before he left for work. He also mentioned about coming home early!"
I smiled. I haven't seen my dad in a LONG time it feels like cause he got a promotion at his job so he stays longer hours. Im really proud of him! Like, why wouldn't i be. Getting a promotion from where he works is not all easy. I just wish i could see him a lot more. BUT HE IS COMING EARLY FOR MY BIRTHDAY! Yas!
I got the wrapped box from my mothers hands and ripped up the wrapping paper gently. Underneath the paper was a white box that flip up to open. I opened it and there was a locket with the letter "L" embraced with gold on the front. I opened up the locket, and there was a picture of me when i was just born, a picture of me at 6 years old, and a picture of me right now.
I smiled at the picture and then at my mom. Even small things mean the world to me.
I jumped up and gave my mom a big hug. "Thank you mom!"
"Oh my sweet lord baby Jesus! You almost knocked me over! Now go to your room cause i still need to go shopping!"
I laughed as i made my way to my room.
I was fixing up my hair until i got a text message. I got my phone and look at the lock screen.

Hey Lyla. Happy birthday i guess. Anyways i actually wanted to talk to you. I am sooo over you and Zach. Like ew. But can we please talk. I cant have all this guilty weight on my shoulders. And you were my best friend. I dont want to continue like this. So can we meet up at the park please? 💙💙💙

I dont believe this one bit. Once i thought that, a wave of guilt washed over me. We are at our last month of high school. And it wouldn't hurt if we had a small talk. And im definitely not gonna be all bff-ie with Sandra.
So maybe i will talk to her and see what she has to say.
"Actually mom! Im gonna go to the park! Um Sa- Zach wants to walk with me around the park and hang out!" I lied. My mom hates Sandra with all er passion. If i tell her that i was going to talk with sandra, she would get really pissed.
"Oh. Ok! Its fine. More time for my shopping!"
I put on my shoes, fixed my hair, grabbed my keys and left my house.
I arrived at the park shortly and there was sandra with a smile.
"Hi Lyla! Happy birthday!!"
I give her a tiny smile.
"So i actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Um... Ok but can it be quick? Zach wants to meet up."
"Oh! So that you guys can go to his dads house. I get it."
"Yea sure- wait what did you say!?" How did she know about...
"Oh i dont know. Maybe from this. Se lifted up her phone and there was a picture. It was me, Zach, Davina, and her now healthy dad.
"I can show this to Zach's mom and tell her you guys completely betrayed her by hanging out with some drunk old dude."
"He is not drunk. He was just cured from a sickness!" I defended.
"Oh and Linda's gonna be disappointed in you two. If i show her this picture. Just imagine! Her yelling, probably cursing at Zach."
"She wouldn't be mad."
"Maybe not. Maybe if i just told her you guys lied to her about everything you've even doing the last month or so."
"What do you want sandra!" I said angrily.
"What i want? I want you to break up with Zach!"
My heart dropped. WTF!
"Fine i guess im taking a meeting with Linda! Oh and I'll also be showing her this!" She showed me a video. It was Zach's dad drunk and high at a night club. "This is what you and Zach have been with!"
"Sandra! Please dont do this! I cant take this deal!"
"Why not. It takes only one word and we are good!" She looked at me with a smirk.
I stared at her with eyes of hurt, anger, and confusion.
"If you promise not to ruin Zach's family! And if you do i will come after you!" I turned around angrily.
"Sheesh. Okay! And remember. Just stay 'GOODBYE FOREVER ZACH!"
I rushed inside my car and turned the engine down as a tear rolled down my cheek. His family is more important than me. I have to do this as much as i dont want to
I arrived home and went upstairs to my room. I saw the flowers on my bed. Tears rushed down my face.  I collapsed onto my bed.
Rings kept on coming from my phone. I looked up and saw they were texts from Zach.

Hey beautiful!
Um? Lyla?
Yah you're home i can see your car.
Lyla did i do something?
Please answer.
I know you! Please!



Woww Sandra is a b*tch!
Like really!

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