Chapter 4

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At Lunch•

As usual you sat alone, but you saw Hinata and yelled her name.

"Hinata, over here!" You yelled.

"Oh hi (Y/N)-chan!" Hinata replied.

"So is anyone else coming?" You asked.

"I think Naruto is. Maybe Sasuke and Sakura but I'm not sure," replies Hinata.

"Oh great. I have to deal with the slut again," you sighed.

"I agree. Let's hope a fight doesn't break out," Hinata joked.

∆Time Skip ∆

"Hi Hinata!" Naruto yelled.

"Hi," replied Hinata.

"So is anyone else coming?" You questioned (again).

"Sasuke and Sakura," replied Naruto.

"Fuck. My. Life," you sighed.

Sasuke and Sakura arrived and Sakura was annoyed that you were talking to Sasuke.

×Your POV×

I was talking to Sasuke when Sakura gave me a funny look. I ignored it and went to play Zelda while talking to Sasuke and Naruto and Hinata. Sakura was of course getting more pissed off and when I put my GameBoy back in my binder she tackled me...again (T^T).

"How dare you talk to Sasuke!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh my god calm down! I can't have conversations with people?!" I replied.

"You can. Just not with Sasuke," replied Sakura in a bitchy tone.

"Um. You're not my mom so I can talk to whoever I want. And honestly can't you stop fangirling about him. It's obvious he doesn't like you!" I said.

"-scoffs- Whatever! Of course he likes me! Isn't that right Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"I never said I liked you," grumbled Sasuke.

"Ha! See! I was right!" I replied.

Finally Sakura got off of me and got into a fighting stance.

'Oh my god. Am I really gonna fight this bitch?' I thought.

Sakura tried to punch me but I blocked it.

Π No one's POV Π

You punched Sakura and she blocked it. She also tried to punch you again but you grabbed her wrist and twisted it.

"Ah!" Sakura screamed.

You chuckled with a dark look into your eyes

Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, and practically the entire lunch room was shocked.

You then picked up Sakura and put her on your back.

"Put me down you fucking slut!" Sakura said while screaming.

You then threw her to the ground causing a crack in her shoulder.

She screamed in agony and anguish.

You started to laugh a bit.

"What's so funny?" Sakura asked.

"Just seeing you trying to fight for a guys that doesn't even like you. And you got your ass beat by me! Me: a lazy person who doesn't give a care in the world and spends most of her time playing video games!" You replied.

Sasuke chuckled a bit.

"Okay, okay! Stop it you two!" said a voice.

You turned around and saw Naruto.

§ Time Skip to 6th period because I'm lazy af §

"Oh great," you sighed, "Gym. My least favorite class."

You got dressed and went to the track
Surprisingly you saw Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata in your class, so you sat next to them.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" Naruto said.

"Hey," you replied.

"That fight at lunch was AWESOME! I've never seen a girl fight like that!" Hinata said.

"Oh -chuckles- that's what I get for coping moves from my favorite games," you replied.

"You learned that from video games?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah. It took me all summer. I -chuckle- almost broke my cousin's TV," you replied.

Naruto started to laugh so did Hinata, Sasuke just chuckled.

"Alright class. Today we are running a mile," said the teacher.

'Hm this won't be that hard'

9 minutes later.

"Good job (Y/N)! You're the first one done!" Hinata said while running past by you.

"Thanks!" You replied while catching your breath.

As time passed Sasuke finished second, Hinata finished third, and Naruto finished last.

~HELLO BEAUTIES! So there you go! Another chapter finished! The next chapter the reader will move in with someone! But I'm not telling who! So hope you guys enjoyed! Bye!~

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